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2005-02-17 12:04 AM Grave Revision Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) Yesterday I battled my way through a revision of Chapter 16 of Six for Gold. I needed to add a new scene. Such omissions always seem obvious once they're pointed out. Barbara Peters, our editor at Poisoned Pen Press, has a knack for spotting what we forgot. She isn't about to let our books head out the door without their pants.
What's good about the revision process is that if we can please Barbara, we know we're safe from public embarrassment. What's bad about revision is...well...trying to work to a level to please Barbara. Reading Laurie R. King's blog entry, A voice (in the wilderness?) I came across the following:
"I found I didn't much like A GRAVE TALENT, although it's the only Edgar I've won--I have to agree with Barbara Peters (she of Poisoned Pen fame), who wasn't much taken with the book when it first landed on her desk. I wasn't all that taken by it, either, this time around." I'm not sure whether that makes me feel better or worse? Should I tell myself that Mary and I are in good company or just panic. (By the way, I'm assuming the A Grave Talent arrived for review, as Laurie King isn't a PPP author.) Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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