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Ten Things
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I've been reading these 10 things lists and all I can say is I'm untraveled, unadventurous, unathletic and untalented. Eating a stalk of rhubarb without dipping it in sugar almost made the list. However:

1. Survived drinking a sixpack of Fox Head beer.

2. Set an orienteering course.

3. Cooked up my own hectograph gelatine and printed several issues of an amateur magazine on it.

4. A cartoon character I made up in fifth grade appeared (on the label of a packing crate in a warehouse) in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book.

5 Saw the Kinks at the Fillmore East (and the Ramones on their farewell tour and precious little in between)

6 Had one law school class where music contracts were explained by Debbie Harry, and another where ethics were explained by Roy Cohn.

7 Wrote anti-war columns (Vietnam) for a local weekly newspaper run by a fellow who went on to become a *Republican* Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor.

8 Got my hair cut in spikes by the same guy who messed up the hair for all the big punk bands who played CBGBs.

9 Cooked a batch of chili with 6 tablespoons of Cayenne pepper rather than chili powder (Hey. Same color!)

10 Co-wrote five novels (so far) and about 20 stories with my wife...and we are still married.

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