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Promoting in Public
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There's been some talk about a Bouchercon panel moderated by J.A. Konrath. I have no opinion on the matter since I wasn't at Bouchercon, but reading about the controversy does remind me why I wasn't at Bouchercon.

When someone who enjoys and has a talent for public presentations, wonders if he's shot himself in the foot during one, it only confirms my belief that in-person promotion, for all it's touted as being essential, can do a writer as much harm as good, particularly if a writer doesn't have the right skills.

For example, my public speaking skills would hardly convince anyone to buy a book. I know...anyone had know...listen to me... uh, try to, you know...uh...speak in public...well, you,..they’d probably figure... you can this guy write? I mean, you know... he can’t... you know... even...uh... speak.

Not only that, but anyone who saw me on a panel would likely take away an entirely false idea of what the John the Eunuch mysteries are like. Because I am so uneasy in public appearances I tend to adopt an armor of utter seriousness. Humor is risky, after all, because what if you make a joke and no one laughs? Besides which, humor requires a certain amount of spontaneity and the ability to think quickly -- qualities I find difficult enough to summon in private let alone in front of an audience. Yet, despite the fact that our mysteries have dark aspects there is also a lot of loopy humor in them. Listening to me, readers would, I'm sure, figure the books to be absolutely bleak, black, intellectual exercises.

Of course, if anyone wants to talk to me, it isn't necessary to pay to go to a convention. I've got this blog and a website with my email address. And both the blog and the email address give a more accurate picture of me (if anyone cares) than any public appearance would.

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