Eric Mayer

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Blog or Journal?
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Even though this is JournalScape I usually refer to my writings here as a "blog." Since I tend to use this space to record what I'm doing and reflect on events in my life, rather than linking to other places on the web and commenting thereon, I suspect I'm actually doing a journal.

Is there a recognized difference between a blog and an online journal? Do they blur together? Is an online journal simply a kind of blog?

I think confusion arises because, as is the case with Print on Demand (POD) books, people tend to confuse the production method with the thing produced. A blog is defined (or so it seems) as something put up on the web with blogging software of one kind or another. But just as POD can be used as a print method by a legitimate publisher, a handy way for an individual to make available a book for a niche market, or a tool for self-delusion, so blogging software can be employed for varied purposes.

I'm not sure if the proper terminology hasn't developed yet or if I'm not aware of it.

Byzantine Blog probably ought to be named Byzantine Journal, but that's not alliterative.

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