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Me and the Jesus Tree
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Some people claim to have spotted an image of Jesus Christ on a tree trunk in Rochester, New York, according to an article in the upstate city's Democrat and Chronicle:
The "Jesus tree," as some are calling it, is a silver maple growing on the front lawn of the Hickey-Freeman Co. factory at 1155 N. Clinton Ave. It's a few feet from the sidewalk and behind a black metal fence.

The factory, which makes Hickey-Freeman, Bobby Jones and Burberry tailored clothing, has been at the site for 92 years. It sits in the heart of Rochester's infamous "crescent," known for high crime rates.

When I lived in Rochester I rode the bus past that tree on my way to work every morning. Not that I noticed the tree, but I noticed the factory. Our neighbor, a middle aged Italian lady was employed at Hickey-Freeman.

So far as I could decipher her decidely broken English, she was worked like a slave. The job seemed to keep her in a permanent state of distress. Endless, unreasonable demands were enforced by the threat of instant termination. Or so I gathered. She may have been exagerrating. There was no way she could've fabricated the livid scars from the ironing presses that covered her arms.

If I was a boss at Hickey-Freeman I might be a little worried if Jesus showed up on my doorstep. Unfortunately, he's probably just an illusion.

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