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So Mary was talked into tweeting. Supposedly it is a useful tool for authors. Well, so are blogs, supposedly, but you can see how that's worked out for me. Give me a tool and I just end up playing with it rather than working. I think I was born without the gene for self promotion.

Nevertheless I offered to help out by getting on twitter first, to see how it worked since I am the "tech person" here at CasaMaywrite. Ha ha. A case of the legally blind leading the totally blind. Or, if I may be offensive, the blind leading the blonde.

You might think that someone like me, who is put off by 140 character limits, who once opined that the next big app would be "Grunt," is not an ideal tweeter (twitterer? twit?) and in that you would be correct. I guess I could look at such extreme concision as a form of poetry, if I didn't hate poetry.

However, I signed up, with difficulty and agonized over the workings for hours and then, finally, Mary dared to leap in, had no problems at all, didn't need any assistance and began merrily tweeting.

Me? I'm left all a twitter. What the heck am I supposed to tweet? Is anyone but Mary following me? If anything? And what is all this retweeting and hashtags and favorites and all those buttons? Okay, if worst comes to worst there's always one button I think I understand: Deactivate Account.

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