Friendly Fiction sharing life through words Hello. We have created this journal in the hope you might share your fiction. The idea is to take time each day to write. Feel free to offer anything, be it an on-going story, a short piece of fiction, a poem, a riddle, or whatever takes your fancy. Some days we might offer prompt words, ideas or directions, which you can employ or ignore. This is simply to encourage more writing, more criticism, and more of a word-based community. Anything you want to see posted should be sent to the email link posted on this page; this account will be checked for submissions twice a day and then posted as soon as possible. In your email, please specifiy the following: - whether you want your writing to be posted publicly or privately (note: if you choose to write privately, the group name and password will be emailed to you) - if your writing is a stand alone piece or part of a bigger project, to be posted in segments - whether you would like a link posted to your blog or website. CAUTIONARY NOTE: Please treat others and their stories as you would like to be treated. Constructive and respectful criticism is appreciated, as are comments praising a person's writing. We hope you feel like joining in. It really is as easy as: (1) write your words (2) email them via the email link on this page (3) comment on posted stories (4) repeat above. Happy writing! |
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2008-09-23 10:02 AM Untitled Part I, by Shennanigans Part I
As the clock ticked through the passing afternoon, he wondered whether things would make sense. Thoughts of people, the myriad of feelings and perspectives each person brings to any story s/he is a character in, willingly a participant or not. "How is it that everyone involved can tell the situation in a different way," he continued to ponder. "It is like each one of us watched the same collision, but, if a third party were to speak to each, it would sound as if there had occurred a hundred different collisions, for all the muddled facts!" His thoughts continued for some length until the doctor asked him to present his arm for pulse and blood pressure readings. His arm went out, an almost involuntarily response. "Lower," the doctor said to him, but without looking at him. The doctors eyes seemed to speak to his own wrist, where his watch was being worn, "good.". "I'll be back later to check for any additional improvement. Please, try to relax - focus on breathing slower as much as possible." The doctor's movement from the chair next to his bed to the door was so fluid that he briefly thinks the doctor is more akin to a floating apparition than a flesh and blood person. "Wait, I think I recall some thing, some fact that will piece everything into making sense. . . It is just a little outside of the center of thought - a stranger lurking about in shadows, between thick trees at night." No matter how hard he tries to grab hold of the single thought he believes would solve his puzzlement, it eludes him. What he remembers for sure is the sound... Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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