Friendly Fiction

sharing life through words


We have created this journal in the hope you might share your fiction. The idea is to take time each day to write.

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Belated Flash Friday Fiction, by Shennanigans

Better late than never - the prompt for Flash Fiction Friday at WordWebbings this past Friday, "All he needs now is a pair of ski goggles and a goosedown jacket."

Ah heck, I had to give this one a try!

Los Angeles and fashion - depending on where in the city a person is, what circles the person keeps, and what a person truly considers as 'fashionable', the term "fashion" must be used loosely in the seedy hotbed of year-round sunshine.

When it is eighty degrees and there are people walking along Melrose Ave and Sunset Blvd in cut-off shorts, halter tops, and Uggs, one must realize that something is dreadfully wrong.

Even back in the days when fashion and etiquette went hand in hand and had strict rules governing when white shoes were appropriate during the year and when open toe shoes and sandals could be worn with specifically designated outfits, it is doubtful that Uggs would have received a blessing to be worn all year, let alone with any attire.

If Angelinos need Uggs in eighty degree weather, what they must need now that the weather is turning to a *frosty* seventy is a pair of ski goggles and a goosedown jacket. Heh, maybe they will be donned with a bikini top and a pair of flip-flops!

Perhaps the 'fashionistas' hanging out in the City of Angels will open their eyes and realize that "fashion" still has rules - the first being that winter clothing has no proper place in temps above fifty (even sixty if the limits have to be pushed); the second, and perhaps most important, is that something does not become fashionable simply because it is worn on the streets of Los Angeles or because everyone is doing it...what makes something fashionable is the right material used to create a functional piece of clothing (or eccentric if the runways are used to gauge the idea of fashion), accessorized properly, and put together to be worn during the correct season.

Angelinos - unless you are going skiing, or are planning to visit central Europe or your own Midwest in the Fall or Winter, please, leave the ski goggles and goosedown jackets to those that know how and when to wear them.

As for your Uggs? Keep them in your closet AT LEAST until the weather drops to sixty two days in a row; but please, consider keeping them in the closet a bit longer - you know, until it is cold enough that you have to wear pants!

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