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gabriel Love and ferrets and pretending to be a writer. 2003-06-16 6:39 AM story brainstorm Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Monday morning, bah, humbug. Read/Post Comments (0) |
Reading: The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood (I don't like the epilogue. She shoulda left it off.) Weather: beautiful The ferret is: attacking my feet I was talking with Gregg Saturday about one of my characters in the alleged book. Wait, that's not a positive thing to call it. I should call it My Book, no alleged about it. So. From talking about this one character, Jarno, I got a better handle on him, about what has made him who he is and what makes him so conflicted. He is a child, and children can be the most conflicted people of all. I still need to figure out some more stuff. I know where to start, obviously, having statred all three of my storyulines and setting up nice minor (or major, in the one case) cliffhangers. And I know where to end up, and I know a few other things. I just need to start writing it again and let my characters carry me along. Each of them has a lot of stuff to do before they can all meet up and save the world. Another of my main characters reamins static. I have a little bit about him in my mind but not what makes him .... yes, maybe I do. I just need to spend some time writing backstory, I guess, to get everyone firmly in my mind. No one can be cardboard in this story. I don't like those characters who are charicatures. I know some things about being two of my characters. I need to learn to be the third, the one I am not sure about yet. What has he lost, besides farming? What fundamental thing? My old lady, the main character, in my mind, gave up much to have her magic, but it was not voluntary. Is it ever? Choices made, seeds sown, in childhood, often by others, can take root and turn into monsters. Hers has not, but maybe, maybe it has. I like my main character, Wynora, a lot. I respect her. She reminds me of me. All of my characters in all of my stories are me in one way or another. I have heard that this is true for all writers, but I am not sure that's so. It would make me rather apprehensive of Ann Rice. I wonder. I am Wynora, I am Jarno, the reviled child who was different. I know how they feel. Wynora was an elder, well-loved, and then she loses that. Jarno hates his mother, then sees her in a new light, but loses his security. There is security even in being the town weirdo. You know your place, you know where you belong. Then there is Verapi, who I still have to figure out. His world, too, got messed up with the coming of the bad thing that has hit the whole world. Always there are personal storuies of tragedy in the larger tragedies that are seen. Consequences for everyone. Verapi, though, I wonder. His livelihood is threatened; indeed, it is gone and he struggles to grasp a new trade, one that is already crowded with others likewise scrambling for something to take the place of what they did. At his age to start over, in days when no one started over. He is a grandfather, responsible for his grandchild whose father is missing. They do not acknowlege that he is missing, but he is taking too long to come home this time. Verapi wonders, his daughter denies, while endlessly speculating and generally being a nuisance, but in a ... I have to figure her out, too. Verapi's wife says little in the family setting, except to Verapi, the granddaghuter wants her daddy back, but where is he? Verapi is my character, the others will not be cardboard, but he is the one I chose. What's his magic? Since his loss is late in life, maybe his magic will come late, too. Yes. That's it. Thanks for letting me brainstorm again. Is good. Much luck today, and I have to go to work or I am in deep doggy doo doo. |
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