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gabriel Love and ferrets and pretending to be a writer. 2003-12-07 10:06 AM reading and shopping and house Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: hypomanic and headachey Read/Post Comments (0) |
Reading: The Lions of Al-Rassan, Guy Gavriel Kay. Finished last night Cronos, Robert Silvergberg. Recently read Kaleidoscope, (same name as my short story I link to here) Dorothy Gilman. I am listening to books in the car, too, as I have discovered that I can understand some of them. The ones that are too hard to uinderstand -- fuzzy-sounding or a voice too deep or too high -- I just take back to the library. I am running out of taped books from the local library, though, and am going to look into some online lending library. I think there are such things. Hey. I'll add a note here to put in what I'm "reading" in the car. What I'm listening to in the car: Riptide, Catherine Coulter. (I like Catherine Coulter.) Recently listened to Shockwave, Clive Cussler. Talk about junk food for the brain. Superlatives, and favorite words both overused. The premise is impossible, and there are other problems, too, but don't get me started. Weather: overcast and cold, sprinkles, and a chance of shopping. (I got my grocery shoopng out fo the way by going to the store before 8AM.) The ferrets are: napping. It seems like I always have to say they're napping, but I can hardly type anything when they're running around because 1) their cuteness is distracting and 2) Tazo climbs up on my lap and onto the keyboard. I am praying she doesn't find out my passwords. SHe is more manic than I am, and I am haivn genought troubel with myself on ebay. I have been on a reading binge since Maggie's hospital stay. That really knocked me for a loop and I have been escaping ever since. I read at all my breaks at work, I listen to stories in the car, I read while I eat (unless there is a handsome man nearby to talk to, which frequently happens at home) deep into the night, and every time I get a chance. I am also reading on the computer; websites I like and email and my two ferret groups, and e-stories I have bought from Fictionwise.com. I picked up a lot of free books at work when there was a table full of them last month. I get books at the library, and I have been reading all the ones I bought over the last year or so and not gotten around to reading, and some of Gregg's books. I re-read a couple of my stories, and they are pretty darned good. I need to get them out to some other people so they can enjoy them, too. I have no clue where to send things for publication, though, and I am not focused enough to find markets. Fictionwise would buy from me if I could show that I had ten stories published in legitimate markets (I think that's what I read, but will have to look closer) but I am a little short. I have had four short stories published and three novels. One of the novels is an e-book and didn't get any sales, and the publisher's not publishing a lot (Bob, this means you), so I dunno whether that one would count. And two of the short stories are flash fiction, so that might not count. Hell, I don't know. I would like to get more people to read my stuff. It might inspire me to write more. See my journal heading? I pretend to be a writer. I am happy to say that I have finished my Christmas shopping. Now, other years when I thought I was done I did not stop, and I am hoping that I won't do that this time. I think of neat things I would like to get for people, but I don't have the money I'd need to get all the neat stuff in the world. I bought things for people that have to do with their hobbies. Maggie knows what category her presents are in, and I gave a part of it to her already, and let her look at some items and pick out possibilities among them, so she knows what she's getting but not how much or what colors, etc. She will be pleased. She wanted stuff for her new apartment, but I am getting her stuff for her jewelry hobby. Then I got hubby things not related to his photography hobby. I helped him pick out presents for my mother, whose name he drew in the family gift exchange, and for his son. Two people besides Maggie I got hobby-related things for. One of them I got a book and the other I got a few things in the general category of what they do, but I think it is not what they usually... Can't really write about this without giving everything away and one or more persons might well read this entry. Screw it. Gonna stop writing about this. We are going to put in an offer on one of the houses we looked at last weekend. We are doing loan paperwork. I don't know how this is going to work out since we have no savings, but the credit union has no down payment loans, and there are gift programs we qualify for, too. We should be living in our own house. We have been married a whole four months now. It's time. |
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:: JOURNAL HOME :: SUBSCRIBE TO THIS JOURNAL :: Click on Kathy Gabriel and read my stories :: 2-in-1 Romance by me (but the back cover's misspelled!. grrrrr.) :: November is National Novel Writing Month! :: The Feel Good Manual - happiness can be learned :: Mugs with the wet ferret :: Fractured Frugal Frieds - the best frugality site around :: The ferrets, and other pics by a talented local (very local) photographer :: Kettins_Bob's journal :: Clarion SF & F writing workshop :: Genevieve's journal (Clarion classmate) :: Phil's website (Clarion classmate) :: Nnedi Okorafor's blog (Clarion classmate) :: Online magnetic poetry :: Dave's interactive html tutorial :: Make a snowflake here - WARNING: Addictive! :: |
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