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gabriel Love and ferrets and pretending to be a writer. 2005-12-31 9:12 AM best get yourself busy Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Happy Read/Post Comments (0) |
The ferrets are: eating Weather: raining Reading: Analog; I don't remember which issue and am too lazy to get my Palm and look, but it's an article about terrestrial planets. Knitting: the green sweater, because it was my New Year's resolution. I started it December 31, 2004. I finished the main knitting of it after three or four months (I only knit during movies, and only when my hand is not too bad, so my knitting time is limited) and there were problems with it all along, some revealed in the very beginning that I frogged for, and others that came to light gradually. I like it mostly, though, and Today is the Day. I plan to finish the neckline -- got some tips from a new co-worker who knits -- and do something or other with the fronts. This year besides the notorious green sweater, I made a little afghan for a purple chair from the Ramblin' Rows pattern (which a person can buy from Paradise Fibers) several scarves and a sweater for Gizmo, my daughter's little dog. Production was limited because of my hand problems, but at least I finished some stuff. Some years I don't manage to finish anything. I learned some new techniques, and added several excellent books to my knitting library. I got two on modular knitting, I got Reversible Knitting by Jane Neighbors, a rare and expensive item, and The Fourth Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker (I am fuzzy on the exact title, but if that's not it, it's close).
2005 had change and growth and a lot of sameness to it. Same as ever, I want to take care of myself and make good starts, but don't stick with it. But, eat a lot less sugar now, and don't want it as much as I used to, and I weigh less on this December 31 than I did on the last one, but not a lot less. The trend is good, and I might be at target weight in, say eleven, thirteen years. We re-financed the house, thus making a good move that will pay the place off sooner and save us a huge sum of money paid in interest, and consolidating some debt we had. But we charged some things at Christmastime. Those people didn't need all those presents -- I especially didn't need another ruby -- but hey, it was fun and we love our stuff and the booze was sublime. Got plenty booze for far into the new year, too. The house is still messy, but I carry hope for that because it looked/looks good for Christmas, and no one ventured into the garage to see wheere we stuck the stuff we didn't know what to do with. If we get rid of 2/3 of our stuff, we should be fine. Why do I keep writing "we?" It's as if I think a Certain Party might participate in de-junking. He might. Never can tell. I have seen him throw away some things in the past. It could happen. The garden is better than ever, mostly due to a Certain Party. He feels that he lost a lot of progress due to his major knee surgery in AUgust, but it's still better than ever. We/he made improvements to the soil, which is the main thing. We planted perennials and two trees. I had these plans of where to put things, and he laregly cooperated. In the places where he didn't cooperate, due to ignorance of my plans or whatever flimsy excuse, it turns out that he was right. I am still working at the same place, doing the same stuff. I am doing some of it more efficiently than I used to, and people recognize my work. I applied for a couple of other jobs, so that shows that I have less fear than I did. I didn't get interviews, but I did apply. Last December we had a new worker start and she is great; our little team (three women) is compatible and a lot of fun. The tedium is much relieved by having the silliness that we engage in; singing, joking. If it wasn't for the long drive, I wouldn't mind going to work much at all. I did make a move toward a change in that area, too; put in my name to a carpool matching place and found someone who lives in my town and works in the one I work in. We plan to get together to share rides one or two days a week beginning in January. I turned 50 July 29, and never had more fuss made over me in my life. I had three birthday parties, got lots of presents, and was generally congratulated and appreciated. I knew people liked me, but wow. The largest change this year was becoming a Buddhist, getting my Gohonzon on August 5. I have taken a major step towards making my life my own. I am taking responsibility for myself, and realizing that is what I needed to do. I have spent too many years waiting for someone else to help me in one way or another. Yes, I still need help with some things, but now I know that the main responsibility is mine, and I go ahead and ask for the help, and I will keep on asking until I get it. I always knew these things deep inside myself, but now I am bringing them out into the open, into my consciousness and making them my own. I am stronger, and I am having more fun with my life, too. The fun was completely unexpected. |
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