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All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
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There is nothing to read here. The content is over there, to your right.

I may, however, at some point, put something here. Some day. Eventually. No pressure.

100 things

This was harder than I thought.

100 things you may not know about me (and probably didn't need to):

1] If I didn't think it'd make me seem shallow, mascara would be one of the three items I'd take with me to the proverbial desert isle

2] I prefer to drink my coffee black but always add cream anyway.

3] I hate cooking

4] If I can get out of driving, I will

5] I have the most vivid, surreal dreams and can remember 99% of them

6] I tp'd my best friend's car (twice!) on her 17th birthday

7] I never told her it was me

8] I snore

9] I only turn the tv on for news and hockey games

10] I've cried, looking at Michelangelo's "Pieta"

11] I make wishes on stars

12] I'm a really, really good friend

13] my own first pet was a cat named K.C.

14] I left home at age 17

15] my dad taught me to play 'quad' chess - the chess board was divided into 4 quarters, then each quarter was placed at a different level, each facing a different direction, on a stand he built himself.

16] I was never good at it, but I wish I still played chess

17] I've played crib since I was 8; I prefer to only play crib while camping

18] when I was 14, the boy I had had a crush on forever finally asked me out; I said no

19] I have kept every christmas card ever sent to me

20] I sometimes get frustrated at how much there is to know and how much I still have to learn

21] I have other web journals

22] I paint my toenails

23] I was an honour student my whole school life until grade 11, when I quit caring

24] when I was 16, I put myself into so many dangerous situations, I'm fairly surprised to still be alive

25] my first real kiss happened when I was 15

26] for as much as I've bitched about it, I like living in the north

27] I used to make an average of $300 a month babysitting when I was 15

28] my older brother really looked out for me when we were growing up

29] my first real job was at the public library

30] if I could, I'd still work at the library

31] other jobs I've had include waitressing at a coffee house, housekeeping at Panorama ski resort, telemarketing, tutoring

32] I was the lead actress in my grade 6 play "Babes in Toyland"

33] I despised it

34] I was student council president in grade 9

35] I punched my former best friend in the head during a sewing demonstration in home ec.

36] I took Industrial Arts the next term and loved every minute of it

37] I won athlete of the year two years in a row

38] I failed my driver's license test the first time

39] I let my best friend cut my hair; it looked terrible; I did not care

40] my hair has been platinum, auburn, pink, dark brown and orange.

41] I love being by myself

42] I should wear my glasses all the time; I don't

43] I listen to loud music and dance in the kitchen when I'm cooking

44] I read poetry out loud to my dog

45] one beer is enough to give me a buzz

46] Tylenol Extra Strength can give me a buzz

47] I tried using a tanning booth once; after 6 minutes, I broke out in hives

48] I'm unfailingly polite

49] when I was 15, my best friends were two guys, Steve and Doug.

50] I have amazing adventure stories I could tell about the three of us

51] I walk in the rain, without fail

52] if there is thunder and lightning, every window and door in my home gets thrown wide open

53] when I was 5, I was called a "Roma witch" by a lady in the supermarket (I had white hair and dark brown eyes)

54] I read Catcher in the Rye and am a little disturbed that I didn't enjoy the book as much as everyone else seemed to

55] I can read Raymond Feist's Magician again and again

56] to this day, I can still sing most of the songs from Walt Disney's Robin Hood

57] my favourite conversations usually occur on the carpet, with bottles of wine and full ashtrays

58] I amuse myself

59] I prefer Smarties to M&M's

60] I bite my tongue a lot around stupid people

61] I prefer silver to gold

62] I own a guitar that I don't know how to play

63] at high school dances, when the last song was played (Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"), I'd always dance with my friend Mike, even if either of us were dating someone else at the time. It was a tradition we started in junior high

64] I've had dreams that included people who's journals I read

65] I'd go to college if given the opportunity

66] one day I'm going to get a yellow lab; his name will be Milo

67] I'd light my whole house only by candle light if it didn't seem so creepy

68] I can't watch horror movies without a pillow to hide behind

69] I wear a toe ring

70] when my kids are at school, I'll sometimes put my son's rollerblades on and boot around the house

71] I had to have an emergency C-section with my first child because his head got stuck

72] yes, it was as painful as it sounds

73] I love puzzles

74] I get turned on when I watch boxing

75] "life is messy" is my motto

76] if I had addresses, I'd write you letters instead of email

77] my writing instrument of choice is a fountain pen

78] theoretical math fascinates me

79] I'd probably divorce my husband for the first man that liked reading out loud to me

80] I despise dinner theatre

81] I'm still pissed off that the Rolling Stones didn't perform "Angie" when they came to Edmonton oh so many, many years ago

82] my son will walk around the house humming "Fur Elise", my daughter will crank Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" but they'll both air guitar and sing along to AC/DC tunes

83] I'm very proud of that fact

84] when I'm PMS'ing, I'm the first to admit it and apologize

85] my house would always be full of fresh flowers if I had my way

86] destiny and fate only occur to me after the fact

87] I miss my father-in-law more than I've ever told anyone

88] my palm pilot functions mainly as an electronic solitaire game

89] my absent-mindedness causes me to ask "I'm sorry, what did you say?" far too often

90] I can daydream for hours

91] drinking Coke out of glass bottles pleases me

92] the field where I used to pick raspberries for hours and hours when I was a kid is now a Tim Horton's

93] when I was 12, I trained the family dog to fall over and play dead if you pretended to shoot him; this was after watching Clint Eastwood in "Every Which Way But Loose"

94] Inagin jinaguninagior hinagigh schinagool, minagy frinagiends anagend Inagi winagould tinagalk linagike thinagis finagor dinagays onagon enagend
(in junior high school, my friends and I would talk like this for days on end)

95] there is a method to my madness

96] I adore cross-country skiing; I haven't gone in years

97] vodka is my poison of choice

98] I hate having my picture taken but will use the webcam for hours when talking with my friends and family

99] I own Alexei Zhamnov's hockey sweater from when he played with Moscow Dynamo

100] I'm going to take two Tylenol's and go to the bathroom now

soundtrack:Modern Talking - "100 Years" remix

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