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You must spend energy to make energy
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So, tonight will be the fourth time in the week and half since I've been working out that I'll have made it to the gym (whew! it was pretty tense there -- sorry!). Monday I went to the one yoga class at the YMCA that is scheduled at a convenient time for me, and it was a huge disappointment. Kundalini yoga is described as concentrating on breath and energy, but made me light headed with all the quick breathing in-and-out while at the same time rapidly moving back-and-forth from one stretch to another. Yuck. After I almost passed out in the first few minutes of class from this forced hyperventilation, I ignored how fast the teacher told us to do stuff and did the nice, long, slow stretching I like to do in yoga class. I liked the chanting/ meditation we did at the end (though the teacher was having a bit too much fun with the acoustics in the new wellness center), but I won't be coming back to that class, I'm afraid. C'est la vie!

Tonight, another weight-lifting session. I've been pretty sore lately, but I have noticed that once I start moving around, I'm more likely to get energetic and stay up and doing things than I used to be. Of course, this may have to do with the fact that if I sit too long in one position, I get really sore and stiff (which makes work suck, let me tell you). So, I may be just imagining things, but I think I'm starting to feel the benefits of working out again. Yay!

Work is weird lately. We're short-handed, but the manager has been reasonably nice and understanding because of it, so in a way it's much less stressful than it has been, which is nice. Friday is one co-worker's last day, though we do have the replacement here and halfway trained, so it won't be so bad (we still need a toy buyer, though).


Can I just say, though, that if, when leaving a job, you really feel that you are owed sick time (that you haven't used yet) from your employer (which you really aren't, you know), that you should probably take it before your penultimate day of work? And, if you decide to take that sick time anyway, perhaps you shouldn't try to get the other over-worked people (who are still going to be here after you leave) on your side by describing with indignation how you just realized you were going to be "gypped out of my hard-earned sick time" and asking us what we would do in your "situation". And, when we tell you that we would suck it up and stay the last couple of days to help train the poor new girl and answer phones because it's not your co-worker's fault you didn't take the sick time you feel you were owed, don't you dare fucking say, "Oh, I see, you're not going to be honest with me because you want me to do what you want." And, when we tell you we're going to be angry if you're not here tomorrow, please spare us the insult of claiming, "Well, if I'm out sick tomorrow, I'm really sick, ok?" Because we know you're not going to be at this point and we're going to seem a little *too* cheery at your going-away party on Friday, you know?


That's all for now, I guess! Ta!

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