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2008-12-10 9:53 AM The ABCs of JillSusan Read/Post Comments (2) |
A - Available: for most anything A - Age: no longer middle age A - Annoyance: rude people B - Braces: yes, thank god! B - Birthday: V-day C - Crush: I've had a couple C - Car: don't have one, but if I did it'd be a VW C - Cat(s): 2, Dalai and Dharma D - Dead Pets Name: Don't want to think about this D - Dads Name: Henry, but he liked to be called Hank or H. L. D - Drinks: Coffee in the morning, Tea in the afternoon, a glass of Merlot in the evening E - Easiest Person to talk to: My friend Donna E - Email: Of course! E - Envy: Not so much F - Favorite Color: Purple F - Food: Tex-Mex F - Foreign slang: ??? G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears G - Good Times: Any time with my family, kids and grandkids H - Hair Color: Natural H - Height: 5'7" H - Happy: but of course! H- How you want to be remembered: Mother, Daughter, Sister, MaDear, Great MaDear, Aunt, Cousin, Friend I - Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry's Phish Food I - Instrument: Tie: Violin/Guitar I - Idol: Not so much J - Jewelry: my Metallica necklace J - Job: survived the layoffs yesterday J - Jokes: need to hear at least one a day K - Kids: are my greatest blessing K - Karate: yes, and what about it? K - Kung Fu: yes, and what about it? L - Longest Car Ride: Dallas to Virginia, with Dan and all my belongings in a U-Haul and 4 pets in the front seat L - Longest shower?: in too big of a hurry for that L - Love: is all you need M - Milk Flavor: Not much of a milk drinker M - Mothers Name: Elizabeth (Betty) M - Movie Last Watched: Role Models N - Number of Siblings: 3 N - Northern or Southern: Northern N - Name: Jill/Mamala/MaDear O - One Wish: Whirled Peas O - One Phobia: Dying alone O- Obnoxious: Selfish people P - Part of your appearance you like best: my smile P - Passion: Books P- Pissed off: at unfairness Q - Quote: You must be the change you wish to see in the world Q - Quick or Slow: Quick R - Reason to smile: Life R - Reality TV Show: are easy to "watch" while you're doing something meaningful R - Regrets: are useless S - Song you last heard: Workingman's Blues #2 - Bob Dylan S - Season: Autumn S - Sex: Don't remember... :-( T- Time you woke up: 7:45 AM T - Time Now: 9:37 AM T - Time for bed: 11:00-11:30 PM U - Unknown Fact About Me: My life's an open book U - Unicorns: are weird U - Unpleasant: humidity V - Vegetable you hate: Never met a veggie I didn't love V - Vegetable you love: Tie: Corn/Potatoes V - View on Politics: Moderate Liberal, HUGE OBAMA SUPPORTER! W - Worst Habits: Consuming junk food W - Where are you going to travel next: Orlando W - Watchful: of people around me X - X-Ray: My most recent one was of my fingers and my left wrist that I broke in June X - X-tra special someone: I'm taking the 5th X - X-ams: I have test anxiety always Y - Year you were born: 1949 Y - Year it is now: 2008 Y - Yellow: is the color of sunflowers, which I really like Z - Zoo Animal: Giraffes Z - Zodiac: Aquarius Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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