Land of J-Spot
My Musings, and why they may be funny.

Songs of J-Spot
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Sunday Afternoon

As I sit here and realize that I'm already gaining fat and losing my muscle tone already from four weeks of not slaving my nights to walmart, I figure that I'm gonna have to look at the exercise discounts through Qwest as soon as I have logins to look at that info. Along with what discounts I can get at Apple since that is apparently one of the companies connected.

I got an email back from the editor of the Chatsubo Antholgies. I had asked if they were going to try and publish in book form the story Model 66. Back in the earlier 90's this story arc involved whoever wanted to put their two cents in on the newsgroup and it ended up for it's size and complexity pretty big but well done. She said that it's hard to get ahold of those who were involved, after all it's been over ten years and so emails have definately changed. But she said that it is being worked on and that some were polishing up their parts about a year ago. Could be interesting. Would love a copy of that. Anywhat, I'm back to bahumat lagoon, since i'm thirsty i'll continue drinking my odd kool-aid/Hawaiian punch concoction before I get punched or I lose the wall of my room.

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