Land of J-Spot
My Musings, and why they may be funny.

Songs of J-Spot
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I'm found, I'm found!

Okay, since last saturday I have probably gained about 20lbs due to EISF food. love fair food, but man am I glad I saved up for the fair this year expecting to get cool cheap crap. Instead I got expensive yummy food. Oh well I still have money I saved up for it leftover so I don't think I did too bad at all.

Now of course cause of ending up spending many days at the fair I missed out on this land of mine. Hmmmm, what has happened? many things, yet nothing.

Where I live almost got evacuated due to a huge fire caused by lightning last night. Helped a coworker move from her dungeon to her bf's home to escape oppression of the non-good-parental kind. Drooled over the iPod nano and realized that i still want a full 60 gb version.

Answer me this why do we ship things by car and cargo things by boat?

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