Land of J-Spot
My Musings, and why they may be funny.

Songs of J-Spot
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Schooling while waiting for workies?

Okay so I'm sitting here waiting for it time to goto work after just getting out of a really BORING class. I'm good with history and concepts and all that. Just not when half the class gets up after the quiz and the professor proceeds to drone on and only get about a third of what he said he was going to cover. This is actually common place for the guy. I don't mind it lectures tend to be boring.

Things are going well. Oh yeah, I'm in college peeps. Okay anways. I've been listening to a song over and over since about 7:40 this morning. It's called To All Tha Dreamers by Soul'd Out. They be japanese but it's a good song and i've been giddy all day from it. Plug done. I'm off.

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