Some say I'm wrong, but fuck it, I'm grown

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So I had to take my tongue ring out. I was hoping I would be able to keep it and invent an excuse to wait it out and keep it, but alas, I could not. I did not want it for the "fad that went out four years ago." I just like the way they look. Really.
"I'm looking like a fool again"
"I don't care"

It's raining outside. It's been raining for the past couple days. Its also freezing cold. Even with my umbrella when I walked to work this morning, I still got soggy. I'm trying to get stuff together for the Vagina Monologues in February, but it seems that this campus is determined to not let me do anything that I want to get done today. Everything I need to do I have to contact someone else for something else first, and NOBODY is around. Was today cancelled and I just didn't get the memo? That is definatly one I would want.
("Oh God, it's raining, but I'm not complaining. It's filling others with new life...")
I really do love the rain. It streams down the window pane, stretching and twisting the red leaves that are on the tree outside my window. Mixing the red, brown, and gray sky into a beautiful mosaic of shapes that move and change with every new raindrop. With the wind blowing the stick branched and leaves, through my blurred window the tree dances in the rain, celebrating the changing seasons. With all the racket of the rain hitting the window, the wind yelling at everyone it passes, the cars splashing through puddles that have gathered in the streets, it really in quite concievable that my tree really is celebrating in its unique way to the music and rythym of the storm. When the lighting flashes my tree even has its own strobe light. :D Sometimes I think the weather is just nature being artistic. From the brilliant colors, to the snow sculptures, to the water colors that seem to be streaming down my window now. It really it a beautiful world. Even if I don't understand it. But then again, without its mysteries it would appear plain and ordinary and such shows of beauty would be lost in the mundane daily events.

For the radio station I have been doing a lot of great work. Well when I say I, I mean I have been delegating a lot of good ideas to my staff and letting them run with it. But I am very proud of my ideas and I think that they will greatly benefit the station, once we get them and the station back underway. I am super proud of my staff! They have got a ton of stuff done and we have money now! WOOO!! And I am almost done with dj training. And Ryan was impressed with my demo tape, well I don't know if impressed is the right word. Maybe suprised. Either way his response was, "Karen, wow, very creative. I heard it and I was like, 'Karen, how you doin'?'" So I was super happy with that. I still have to call the mean guy in New Jersey to sell my underwriting. He's gonna make me cry again. I just know it. But I guess when you are a high powerful executive for a movie theater chain the only kicks you have left to get are to harass innocent helpless college girls who only want to do their job (I'm the girl. For those of you who may be confused here). Yeah, that must be it.
"One more song for the radio station"

I have a midterm in two hours. Yeah. It's not gonna be pretty. Plus I have a book to read, a report to write, and a presentation to make up by next Wednesday and I don't even know if the library has the damn book. Shitty. AND I will be going to Harrisburgh all day tomorrow for CU-SWAT to get money for next year. I should be good at it. I've been gettin money from my dad my entire life. :D That and I did it for yearbook for 4 years in high school and I've been doing for different organizations since I've been in school. Wow. Thats 7 years I have been taking money from people for work. I feel like a tax woman. WAIT. I've been doing this and NOT getting paid for it. There is something wrong here. Hhmmm me and my manager need to confer.

So basically I will be doing homework all weekend. Shitty. But it's okay I have a lot to catch up on.
"I threw away my reputation"
"I don't care"

I waited in line on Tuesday 2 hours and 45 minutes to vote. BUT I VOTED DAMMIT! It was crazy, but I was super happy to see so many people out voting! It made me very happy. It's crazy seeing how worked up people get over politics. Myself included. But its fun to sit back and watch instead of getting in the fistfight. I also like to hear other people explain why their candidate was right to win or why their candidate should have won. Its good to hear different points of views and oppinions. Plus you get to see who is just repeating information from their parents or boyfriend/girlfriend or professor and who really had their own arguements. Regardless of who our president is, the high amount of voters that went out on Tuesday was amazing and actual democracy. Because in past years only 25% of the eligible voters were deciding the president. I haven't seen what it is for this year, but I know its significantly higher than previously.

ALSO in 13 days I turn 21! WOOO!! Even though I have so much going on that week I will barely be able to celebrate, I am still gonna go to the bar with my big and my little and the TKEs and Phi Delts and DZ sisters and get crunked.
"Waking up on the bathroom floor. Pull myself together just to fall once more"
"I don't care"
Cause DAMMIT I only turn 21 once and I am gonna do it right.
"I've got nothing to lose. With all the years I wasted on you."
My cousin Eric promised me this summer that when I turned 21 him and my brother would take me out and get my sloppy. My family is so good to me. :D

I am SOOO ready for Thansgiving break. I got to talk to my nephew on the phone on Tuesday. I miss my nieces and nephews!! They are getting so big! I can't wait to play with them and spoil them! :D Plus, my two of my cousins had babies since I got to see them last, and I can't wait to see my new family additions! (Oh and the getting to have Thanksgiving dinner 4 days in a row doesn't hurt either!)

"Twenty-four hours on an empty brain
I got my finger on the trigger and you're in the way."
"I don't care"
So I've been going crazy from being busy and knowing I should be busier and the anticipation of getting to go home and turning 21!
"So go ahead and take a picture And hang it up so you can tear me down"
"I don't care cause I'm still here"


"I'm bouncing off the walls again"

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