Some say I'm wrong, but fuck it, I'm grown

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The week of stressed out college students, the dreaded words: FINALS WEEK. As I sit in my lonely cubical in the library, doped up on Starbucks and candybars, I wonder: am I ever going to need this crap? The distractions are tempting and I have suddenly diagnosed myself with ADD along with advanced delusionary schizophrenia and involuntary narcissistic rage.

Who is the crazed maniac asshole that invented finals week? As if the other 15 weeks of studying, late nights, tests, projects, pop quizes, and chapters and chapters of reading in subjects you can't even pronounce wasn't stressful enough. Some GENIUS comes along and decides, "Hey! Some of my students' eyes aren't crossed yet! A few of them aren't even drooling on themselves! This is outrageous! I shall make sure they are tested in every class on everything they have learned thus far! That will show them!"


I read the damn book once! Why do I have to "analyze the intended message and the interpreted the message recieved by audieces viewing the book"? Dammit who the hell cares!? And who "views" books anyways? Aren't you supposed to read the damn things?

I thought CRUEL and UNUSUAL punishment was illegal in the USA? Understandably finals week is not unusual, but it is significantly CRUEL, nasty, and painful. I mean, it is just meanspirited! How can requiring a 15 chapter memory over 15 weeks of other classes (and drinking) be expected to be retained for one test with 100 questions. Not to mention the ridiculous nature of these questions, "What color shirt was Allan Baake wearing in chapter 10?" On top of this, I have to do it for 18 credits worth of classes! Oh some professors are nice, they give you 300 point projects with impossible goals and requirements and not enough time to do them in. Yeah that's great. Thanks. AND THEN, just to mock us, they give bonus questions like, "What kind of pet do I have and how old will it be on its next birthday?" And when you don't do well in the class and ask them about it, they get all indignant and say, "Well I offered extra credit!" Your pet snoozer's 4th birthday does not relate to Temporal Media and in no way can count as extra credit. That is just silly.

*Sigh* I suppose I should end my ranting, knock the gnomes off my book that keep climbing onto my desk trying to get me to dance the Macarana in reverse and get back to making endless notecards. Why doesn't Starbucks make caffine products that I can inject directly into my blood stream yet?

Also, if anyone could possible explain how my upstairs neighbors can possible drink and wrestle ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT the entire semester and STILL come back next semester I would be greatly appreciative. Cause if they don't stop or if I don't start doing it too I might result to cutting a hole in my ceiling where they wrestle and watch them fall threw and point and laugh. Take pictures and post them on the internet. Yeah that sounds good.


I'm bouncing off the walls again!
I've been sitting in this room by myself for hours with no one but myself and this chair. I call her Linda.

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