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Potty potty potty!
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Yesterday, as we were picking the kids up from day care, I noticed on Alex's sheet that his diaper change record said "Potty - dry" for each entry except the ones listed as "BM". I asked his teacher if he was really using the potty all day long and she said YES! She asked us to bring in 5 pairs of underwear and 5 changes of clothes on Monday for him and he'll start wearing underwear during the day (except at naptime). I asked her about the fact that he's never once pooped in the potty and she just said that they don't like pooping in their underwear, so she'd deal with the mess until he got the hang of it.

Then, last night when we were at the in-laws' house for dinner, he asked for his Sponge Bob potty seat (which goes on the big potty) and actually went! I suppose I should have realized that the big reason he hasn't been totally thrilled about the potty we have for him at home is that it's not the big one his brother uses. LOL


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