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2011-07-05 1:42 PM Children and atheism Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) My children are atheists in the truest sense of the word. Their only real exposure to religion has been as an explanation of myth. When they ask questions about beliefs that their friends hold, I explain them to them the same way I explain the Greek myths they were asking about after watching "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief."
Yesterday, I really realized it's more than just atheism. For example, we go to Disneyland a lot. Yesterday, Alex and I were waiting while everyone else was riding Big Thunder Mountain (he doesn't like it) and were watching the crawfish, ducks, and "robot fish" in the pond next to the ride. We first discovered this little area a couple of years ago and the kids were thrilled by the live crawfish and jumping fish. After watching for awhile, I pointed out to them how the fish always jumped in the same places and went first one way, then the other way, and they realized they're "robot" fish. Similarly, while they love seeing the characters (though Alex is a little frightened), they always feel the need to remind me that they're actually people in costumes. This one they figured out on their own. Sometimes I feel bad for not leaving them with some of the magic of childhood make believe. Their teachers encourage them not to tell other kids that the characters are just people in costumes (Alex got into quite the argument with one of his friends about it) so I know it can alienate them from their peers at times. But on the other hand, I think the ability to look at things logically and realize when something isn't what it seems will be valuable to them in life. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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