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I am such a geek

My brother and I are both Lost (tv show) fans. I call him every week and we hash over the episode. So last time I talked to him, I asked him a lost-related question and he was all like "well on such and such a website it says.." and I cut him off. I said "well i'm trying to pretend that I'm not such a geek that I go read websites about my tv show."

Now I think I should apologize to my brother because without a doubt I am one of the geekiest geeks there is. I just found this:Lord of the Rings parody done entirely with lines from The Princess Bride through my friend Chavala. (who I met in college because I saw she had sci fi books on her shelf. I was so thrilled to meet another female geek)

It totally cracked me up. For example:

EOWYN: I admit it, you are better than I am.
WITCH KING: Then why are you smiling?
EOWYN: Because I know something you don't know.
WITCH KING: And what is that?
EOWYN: I am not a man!


ELROND: Aragorn, Arwen is dying.
ARAGORN: She’s immortal. She can’t die.
ELROND: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Look who knows so much, heh? Well, it just so happens that your love here is only mostly immortal. There’s a big difference between mostly immortal and all immortal. Now, mostly immortal is slightly mortal.


Minas Tirith:
EOMER: What are our liabilities?
ARAGORN: There is but one working gate, and it is guarded by sixty thousand orcs.
EOMER: And our assets?
LEGOLAS: Aragorn’s sword, Gimli’s axe, and my arrows.
EOMER: That’s it? Impossible. If we had a month to plan maybe I could come up with something. But this... I mean, if we only had a host of men, that would be something.
ARAGORN: Where did we put that host of men we had?
EOMER: Why didn’t you list that among our assets in the first place?! Now, what I wouldn’t give for a group of Great Eagles...

I am such a geek...

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