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2003-08-17 10:46 PM Endings. ...and Continental called to insist we'd left our bag at Newark, and we'd have to come pick it up. This is the bag they told us had never been loaded onto the plane in Quebec in the first place. A few pointed words from La Diva--they're delivering it tomorrow.
...and the cat is extremely pleased to have his people back, and says so between complaints. ...and with luck, I'll have gained only 8 pounds in crepes. ...and I did find THE FALL OF HYPERION against all odds, though it took a bus trip to a large shopping mall in St. Foye to do it. So it was a good reading vacation: HYPERION (Simmons), THE FALL OF HYPERION (Simmons), CYPRESS GROVE (Sallis), BAD BOY BRAWLEY BROWN (Mosely), and some bites out of REDSHIFT (various). ...and my little SF short story idea that I figured I'd knock off in a few weeks after spending the last year on a bigger project turns out to be an even bigger project than that project. So I might say screw it. Though I really like the idea... ...and while relief from even minor suffering usually brings a sense of blessedness, it wasn't until Thursday or so that I realized I wasn't, and hadn't been, dizzy. I've been dizzy almost constantly since last September--my assumption is that's when new damage and scars happened somwhere in the yaw/pitch/roll sensors. (Already got a few scars interfering with my word-recall area, which is extremely annoying when I stall out during a good rant. However, word recall while writing seems to be totally un.. un... unaff... not-whacked) I started taking Zocor about two weeks ago. It's the brand name of a cholesterol drug (LDL: 235) called a "statin," and there are anecdotal suggestions that it might do something for people with MS. However, what's been seen is lesions (scar masses) reduced, which wouldn't necessarily do anything to repair damage to the nervous system. Sort of like removing waxy buildup when there's not a floor there anymore. On the other hand, it's been shown to reverse paralysis in mice with MS. So either a miracle drug reversed my neurological damage after only two weeks, or my tide has receded on its own, to return on its own unpublished schedule. As has happened before. Either way, however long this lasts, that will be fine, thank you. ...and good night to you. Read/Post Comments (8) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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