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2003-09-13 11:44 AM How compressors work I found myself wanting to explain audio compression to a distinctly non-technical audience (the Dorothy-L mystery discussion list). When I sent the treatise off to my wife, as well, she said I should put it up on Journalscape. So here it is, including the original question by Gar Haywood.
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From: Keith Snyder
Gar Haywood wrote:
>Professor Snyder, sir, could you please elaborate?
PEABODY: Hello, everyone. Peabody here, and this is my boy, Sherman. Speak, Sherman.
PEABODY: Good boy. Sherman, set the Waysmashed Machine to--
SHERMAN: The Waysmashed Machine? What happened to the Wayback Machine?
PEABODY: It's no good for smoothing out uneven sounds.
SHERMAN: Uneven sounds?
PEABODY: Exactly, Sherman. Now, go get an anvil.
PEABODY (voiceover): As Sherman left to get the anvil, I quickly punched the RECORD button on my tape recorder.
SHERMAN (returning): Here's the--
(Peabody whips out a hammer and smashes it against the anvil.)
SHERMAN (staggering): Why'd you do that, Mr. Peabody?
PEABODY: Listen again, my boy. (Rewinds the tape recorder and hits PLAY.)
TAPE RECORDER: Here's the-- (KLAANNNGGG!!!) Why'd you do that, Mr. Peabody?
PEABODY: Now what do you notice, Sherman?
SHERMAN: The anvil klang is much louder than my dialogue, Mr. Peabody.
PEABODY: Precisely. Now, feed the recording into the Waysmashed Machine...
(Sound effects: Bip-boo-beep-boo-blip-bleep-ding!)
PEABODY: And presto--
WAYSMASHED MACHINE: "Here's the-- (klang!) Why'd you do that, Mr. Peabody?"
PEABODY: Notice anything, boy?
SHERMAN: The anvil klang is softer now, but my voice is exactly the same volume!
PEABODY: Exactly, Sherman. The Waysmashed Machine smashes the loudest sounds, and only the loudest sounds, down to size.
SHERMAN: Hey, does it work with politicians?
PEABODY: Never you mind, my boy.
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