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2004-08-23 9:18 PM Nice The pledge notifications I receive don't include your email addresses. I got the nicest note about my books today along with an e-pledge, and this is the only way to communicate with people who aren't in my address book.
I hope no one feels slighted; all the notes have brought a smile to my face, as well as a sense of amazement that so many people are pledging to the ride. The thing is, though... once it's been over a year since your last book, you stop getting fan mail. At least, I do; I don't know about other authors. I'm on to other things, and so (as far as I can tell) is everyone else. So getting a little appreciative note out of the blue... it's nice. Admittedly, appreciative notes are always nice--but there's something about getting one at an off-time that says this isn't just somebody caught up in the currents of publicity and hoopla that surround book publication. Something I wrote stuck with this person. That's not something an author ever really gets to find out; not really. So it's nice. Especially when accompanied by a pledge, which it was. Thank you. Current tally: $1335 I'm kind of amazed. You are all terrific and I am touched and grateful. Also my new DARN TOUGH cycling socks came today from Col d'Lizard. Think we need a new goal? Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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