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2006-09-02 1:15 PM Keith Snyder Newsletter This went out today. If you don't get it, but you'd like to be on the mailing list, let me know.
If you do get it, but you don't want it, let me know. If you don't get it, and you don't want it, you need to reexamine your priorities. Wow, is it time for another newsletter already? It seems like only four years since the last one! I decided to write only about recent and upcoming stuff in this letter. If you've got time to kill and you're interested in catching up, the best place is my blog: • MULTIDAD My website for fathers of multiples recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. Over 70 guys have joined up, and the page hit count currently stands at 63,321. If you know a new (or expectant) dad of twins or triplets, point him toward (And for those who have no idea at all what I've been doing for the last couple of years... Mac and Butch--not their real names, but I'm a paranoid internet user--are now 20 months old. Gratuitous baby pictures at the blog.) • CREDO AT THE CHINESE THEATER Credo ("Yet another 9-minute screen opera about God and religious violence") will be screening with a block of other short films as part of the FAIF Film Festival. This will be its 15th festival. It's also won a bunch of awards at previous festivals. I wrote/directed/co-composed, and I plan to be in the audience, probably with my conspirators. If you're in the L.A. area and you've got time: Chinese Theater - Screen 4 Friday, October 6, 2006 - 2:30 PM There's also an upcoming screening at Universal Studios on October 22, but we don't have all the details yet. The Credo website: • I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, AND I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN My new short crime musical (I wrote, directed, composed, produced) will be finished and submitted to major film festivals by year's end. I'm currently working on finishing the audio mix. The new website includes bios, downloadable music, Quicktime trailers, production blog, T-shirts, and fridge magnets: . ILY (I hate showbiz title-shortenings too, but it's just too long to type out every time) is a standalone story based on a musical number from my unproduced feature-length screenplay, Cupid & Psyche. It's my hope that Credo's festival success, plus i>ILY, will lead to Cupid & Psyche getting into production. A bonus music track called You're Gonna Die--another number from the unproduced feature--is also downloadable at the ILY website. ILY TRAILER The trailer for I Love You, I'm Sorry, And I'll Never Do It Again is now online, and if I do say so myself... well, I won't. Just go watch it: If you'd like the trailer to appear on your blog or website, look for the word "embed" on its Youtube page ( ), copy the text to the right of it, and paste wherever you want it. A little video player will appear on that page. • DEAD GRAY IN EQMM Dead Gray, my first crime short story to be published in print, will appear in the March/April '07 issue of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, which should be on newsstands in January. It's not a Jason Keltner story. • PROMOTIONAL DVD We're currently working to get a promotional DVD about ILY, Credo, and me finished in time to have in-hand for FAIF. Again, the idea is to get Cupid & Psyche made--though I'm always interested in seeing what unexpected doors open when something gets sent out into the world. They're often more interesting than the intended ones. Suggestions for how to best take advantage of my time in Los Angeles are welcome. And that's probably not all I have to report, but I need to get this sent and make some progress on the ILY soundtrack before baby naptime ends. I hope everyone's doing well! As always, please let me know if you'd like to be removed from this mailing list. Best-- Keith Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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