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2005-09-19 11:26 AM Not So Hot and Next Quarter I had my Anatomy and Physiology Final on Friday and... um... it didn't so go well. It had 4 sections: sentences with missing words to be filled in, multiple choice, true/false and body part labeling. The label part I rocked, no question. Got every single one, no question. That is 40% of the test. The multiple choice and the true false... I dunno. Maybe I did ok, I'm really not sure. The word fill-in.... :/ I couldn't answer a single question on the first page. I essentially forgot every nerve in the body when the test was handed to me, or maybe he just tested on all the nerves that I don't remember.
*big sigh* I'm sure I passed the class, but I'm thinking I passed it with more like a C- instead of the strong B or B+ I was hoping for. A-boo. Tonight is my Fundamentals final and the official end of my first quarter at Emperor's College. I'm hoping to go out with some of the girls for a first-quarter-celebration ("the girls" are my classmates... because really, I'm the only guy in my classes). I feel like Fundamentals has been my strongest class this quarter, so I'm not really worried about this test. I studied with a couple of different people this weekend, but my brain is so utterly fried (or I'm Spleen Qi deficient as they'd say in the East) it was really hard. I anticipate getting an A in this class. I've done well on almost all of the quizzes and she drops two of them. One class I missed, which means she'll drop my 76 quiz.. I had an 80-something quiz and then I think all the rest have been 100. She even gave us extra credit to do (which I did and will be turning in tonight) so I'm really not worried about a good grade in this class. I've registered for classes for my second quarter. I couldn't get into the Eastern Somatic Intregration that I wanted. Apparently, this class has been recently added to the curriculum, so a lot of the juniors and seniors are signing up for it even though it is a first year class. They get priority so I got locked out. Phooey. I'm taking Accupressure as an elective instead because I really wanted to have a practical class this quarter where I could learn some therapies. I'm also taking Anatomy and Physiology 2 (bleh) and Herb Pharmacopeia 1. The Pharmacopeia class is all about learning a certain group of herbs. The really neat part about the Pharmacopeia class is that it requires a lab... I have to work in the pharmacy on campus! I have to get a white lab coat and everything. Spanky! I'm also taking the "Ropes" course, which is a one-day retreat that I don't actually know too much about. It's a community building thing up in the mountains I believe. I don't know, but it sounds fun! Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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