We Are The Change We Seek "i got this" - Kenny Wyland This isn't where I thought I was going to be when I looked forward into my life, but here I am.... Yes We Can |
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2005-09-27 3:00 AM Fear I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to go see The Exorcism of Emily Rose at 10pm... but I did. *sigh* (minor spoilers)
It was incredibly scary and I think I yelled in the theatre at least 3 times. Of course, the worst part is what happens after. There are certain movies that scare me. A lot. The parts that really get to me are the parts that seemingly fit into my real world. For example, most of the really scary moments happen at 3am. They all start with a person in bed, they wake up and look over at the clock on their end table... and then shit gets really scary. Generally starting with a strange smell or noise. Something that seems perfectly reasonable. That's the scary part. If I'm sitting in my bed tonight and I wake up in the middle of the night and look over at my clock... it really doesn't matter what time it is or what's going on, it's going to freak my shit out. The movie is awesome and I recommend it to everyone. It started an interesting series of thoughts in my head afterwards about demons and angels. Growing up as a devout Christian, I always learned that the way to protect yourself from demons was to call on God, to invoke his name and display your faith. He would protect you because the demons fear him. So... as I sit here scared shitless because of the movie, I think to myself it's awfully ironic that I know exactly how to defend myself from demons (should they actually exist and come after me).... but I no longer than the faith necessary to implement such a defense. Fuckers... how dare they make the bed dangerous. :) The bed is a place of safety! Now, when I'm laying in bed at night alone and I look over at the LED lights shining at me, I'll remember Emily Rose frozen mid-scream staring right at me. Read/Post Comments (28) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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