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2008-04-03 8:05 PM Obama Doubles Clinton's Fundraising... and wins in two ways I'm a contributor to Barack Obama's campaign and receive fairly regular emails announcing events and drives and such. We know that Clinton and Obama need to raise tons of cash to effectively run a Presidential election, but there is another aspect that I didn't even think about. A couple of weeks ago I received an email from the Obama campaign asking for another donation, this part is not surprising. In the email they explained that the donation is more important than just the money because a deadline was approaching when fund raising data was expected to be reported. They explained those reports would be reported on in the media, so if we could raise more money for Obama than Clinton's supporters raised for her then the news articles would be positively slanted toward Obama which would provide him even more momentum.
I love it. It's honest! This type of honesty is what originally attracted me to Obama. He spoke like this on The Daily Show as well. The essential message is, "There is a game that you have to play in order to get elected. We admit that some of what we do is theatre. It's not something we can change at this point, so we'll just be honest about it." So, I thought about it and I donated again. I love this guy. I want to see him as the President and a few more bucks is an easy sacrifice to see him in Office. What was the result? The New York Times reports... For Obama, a 2-to-1 Edge Over Clinton in Donations He wins by getting more money to fund his campaign and he wins a second time because he receives more positive reporting about how well he is doing. He doesn't use FUD to manipulate people into giving him money in March because he knows he'll get the media bump... he just treats his supporters as if they are intelligent adults and explains what he's trying to accomplish. I love it! Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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