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2004-05-02 12:50 PM Got CDs? Mood: Cleaning Read/Post Comments (0) |
We have ripped our entire CD collection and stored all the resulting files on her computer's hard drive. Therefore we don't need our CD jukebox any longer and want to see that it finds a good home. Want it?
The thing holds 300 CDs, but requires a standard receiver and speakers in order to be useful. Actually, the receiver we had with it, and some large speakers aren't in use any longer either, so speak up if you want 'em. Having all the music on a hard drive allows us to pipe it to the TV and surround-sound system for listening in the living room with company, and we have some decent computer speakers in the form of Bose Wave radio connected directly for office sound. Having all the files instantly accessible on the computer is fun, and it's a little sad to say good-bye to our jukebox that we've gotten a lot of use of over the past five years or more. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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