Ken's Voyages Around the Sun

Buh-Bye Protestants
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The Scout Report -- September 10, 2004:

The Vanishing Protestant Majority

The Protestant ethic, long a subject of great interest to numerous generations of scholars (including the esteemed sociologist Max Weber), is one of the most debated subjects within the field of sociology. This recent report authored by two sociologists at the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center brings to light the fact that for the first time in the history of the United States, members of the Protestant faith will no longer constitute the majority of the population within the foreseeable future. The 23-page report, authored by Tom W. Smith and Seokho Kim, notes that the percentage of Protestants in the national population shrank from 63 percent in 1993 to 52 percent in 2002. Another interesting finding of the report notes that from 1993 to 2002 the number of people who said they had no religion rose from 9 percent to nearly 14 percent. [KMG]

To that I say, "Amen."

And in other news, my boss suggested (during my annual review) that I apply for a forthcoming position: Webmaster for the College of Extended Learning (here at CSUN), where she works. She said clearly that it was "a nice position" and would report directly to the dean of the college.

She says my current job is in no danger, but that my talents would be well-suited to the new one where they want someone technical and able to take charge. Those things fit well with her glowing write-up of me for this year past.

Hmmm. I'd say it's likely that I shall apply, and just see what happens after that.

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