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2004-09-22 12:22 PM A Long Time Ago... Mood: Content Read/Post Comments (0) |
...in a galaxy, far, far away... we watched Star Wars -- for the first time -- at a drive in. I can still remember that. Today it (and Empire and Jedi) arrived on DVD! About freakin' time, I say!
Now, I know some people despise George Lucas for messing about with the originals and putting out newly enhanced versions, etc., etc., but that doesn't bother me all that much. I'm just as happy to have them the way they are now, really. I don't really care about the new episodes that have come out over the past few years and never expect to own them. The originals are all there needs to be for me. And finally they're here. Now, when is Bambi coming out on DVD? (Ah, I've just answered my own question: March 1, 2005.) Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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