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2004-09-24 3:31 PM Sir Round Goes Google Mood: Excited Read/Post Comments (2) |
As many of you know, a large part of Google's success arises from its AdWords program -- a way of letting companies advertise their products or services via keywords that people will search for.
These AdWords appear on any related search-results pages, but effect a charge to the advertiser only if the viewer actually clicks on them, unlike annoying banner ads that cost money just to appear. Advertisers therefore can not only bid for relative ad placement against competitors, but can target customers very specifically. The scheme is simply brilliant. Anyway, Sir Round's gearing up for some face-time on Google searches now (for the LA area), with about 50 keywords related to panoramas. (Might as well pay the advertiser that you own stock in, right?) Setting up an account with AdWords was incredibly easy and the web interface allows a constant adjustment of what you're willing to pay for each click, change a daily or monthly budget, include multiple targetted ad campaigns, etc. Anyway, one paying job is what I seek now. Perhaps it will come through AdWords. Yay, Google (and may your stock continue to rise)! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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