Ken's Voyages Around the Sun

Playing Chickens
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Two weeks ago I bought and installed an airhorn for my bike. It's VERY LOUD, which is the point, so that it can be heard by car drivers if I find it necessary to use it while commuting.

I got to sound it for the first time yesterday on the way home! Thankfully it was not to warn a driver of my presence nor to signal my displeasure at some lame or impolite situation. Nope.

It was to warn a flock of chickens to get out of my way.

Yes, riding down Plummer, one of the main east-west roads running the length of the San Fernando Valley, I had to dodge chickens. Little red and white ones. About six of them.

From what I could see, they were hanging out on the sidewalk area in front of a house. A guy and his dog came along and the chickens decided the road looked safer than anywhere else, so out they scurried. Not exactly into my route, but close enough to worry me.

Anyway, they got a blast of airhorn.

And I don't think they noticed it.

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