kindredspirit some things i'd like to share with kindred spirits and what are you reading and thinking today? |
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2005-04-19 2:00 PM bible blog---john 14.1-14 note: many of you may find this a bit long. don't feel like you need to read it all. i've included it here because there are a group of bloggers who share reflections each week on the current week's lectionary passages. john 14.1-14 is one of this week's passages.
* in 1992 during lent i meditated/wrote on john 14 and ended up with a longish poem. i'll include only the part on john 14.1-14. * MEDITATION ON A LOVE LETTER 1. do not be worried and upset my friend and Savior said to me he said it in a letter of love written expecially for me (and just as expecially for you, i might add). do not be worried and upset my Friend and Savior said to me. believe in God, believe in me and then no matter what your life may offer, we can manage---just we three--- you and God and me. 2. there are many rooms in the homeplace of God and i shall go ahead of you to ready there a room just for you. you see we are expecting you to follow. we have a place that's set aside for you just for you and if you do not come to take your place i guess there'll always be an empty room among the many room in our house. so plan ahead to come to the homeplace we have built--- a homeplace comprised of many room with one that is ready--- ready just for you. of course i wouldn't say these things unless these things were true. 3. just now i go ahead of you. we cannot both go now, for i must go prepare the way for you; but don't be worried and upset as i said before for i'll come back to take you to myself so that you will be where i am. yes, you can stake your life upon my words--- i will come back to take you to myself so that you will be where i am. 4. you know the way that leads to the place that i am going, for long before the day you were conceived or even thought of by your parents God had written on your very heart the yearning that would draw you back to him. so deep within the most holy places of your heart you know the way that leads to the place that i am going, and i pray that you will choose to come with me when i come back to take you to myself so that you will be where i am. 5. the doubters in this world may say that they don't know where i'm going so how can they know the way to go. but pause and go back, doubting thomas. go back to the very beginning. do not be worried and upset. believe me when i say to you i will come back and take you to myself so that you will be where i am. 6. let me say a word to any doubters in the crowd. i am the way, and the truth, and the life. i am the way to the Father. i am the word and the author of truth. i am the source of all life and all light. i am the way and the truth and the life. i am your pathway to God. . . your only pathway to God. 7. now that you have known me you will also know God for as you know and see me you know and see God. like God, like me. like me, like God. 8. and philip came with questions and concerns: couldn't we just see God face to face? 9. my friend and my Savior could hardly believe what he heard. i have long been with you all yet you know me not. if you've known and seen me you've known and seen God so why then do you say these words to me: couldn't we just see God face to face? haven't you seen what i came here to show you in flesh? 10. can you not yet know within your heart and soul that i am in God and God is in me? that, my dearest philip is the essence of my life and it will be the essence of my death and my new life with God. i am in God and God is in me. it sounds very simple---and it is. it sounds quite profound---and it is. it was and is and it shall be forever. i am in God and God is in me. these words that i've spoken as i've walked here by your side, these words come from God, they're not my own, for God remains in me and does holy work. i am in God and God is in me. 11. let this grow to be your own belief: i am in God and God is in me; but if you cannot come to have that faith believe, at least, because of all the things you've seen me do for i have done God's work on the earth. believe because of all that i have done. 12. i am telling you the truth, my friends. whoever does believe in me will do what i do. indeed he will do even greater things, indeed she will do even greater things because i go to be with God and God and i together can work through the faithful on the earth. 13. and i will do whatever you ask for in my name so that God's glory will be shown through the answers to your prayers. so ask and seek and knock in my name for there is holy power in my name. 14. whatever you may ask for in my name . . . (i cannot bring my hand to pen these words for daddy's dead* although we prayed for life, and wars are fought, and homes are lost, and folks are killed and raped and maimed, and on and on and on . . . and people pray to you and ask a thousand things in your name; and sometimes the prayers that we pray seem to be heard, and seem to be answered in ways that we can't comprehend at the time; and sometimes, through time, we all see that prayers have been answered, and sometimes, through time, the answer to prayer continues beyond comprehension, so, Lord, can you help me to set down my pen to the paper; and, Lord, can you please write this belief on my heart; and, Lord, can you lead me to faith in unfathomable mystery.) whatever you may ask for in my name, my child, i will do it, so ask and seek and knock in my name for there is holy power in my name. (now i have set the words on the paper, and together we can write them on my heart. together, Lord, let's write them on my heart.) *** *in Feb of 1992 my father died after battling cancer for some time. it really was hard to write those words down Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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