Musings and Meanderings By John Allen Small

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A fellow runs into a saloon and breathlessly hollers at the bartender, "Quick! Line me up six glasses of your very best stuff!"

The bartender grabs six shot glasses, lines them up on the bar and fills each with his most expensive whiskey. The fellow quickly picks up the first glass and gulps down the contents, then the second and third in rapid succession. As he picks up the fourth, the bartender says testily, "Hey, slow down there. That's expensive Kentucky sipping whisky - stuff costs three dollars a glass! Why on earth are you slamming them down so fast?"

The fellow swallows the fourth glassful and looks at the bartender. "Listen, Mac, you'd drink them in a hurry too, if you had what I've got!"

The bartender feels bad, thinking perhaps the man has some incurable disease and has just a short time to live. As the fellow slams back the fifth shot glass the bartender says, "Gee, mister, I'm sorry to hear that." In a sympathetic tone he adds, "So just what is it you have, anyway?"

The fellow picks up the last shot glass, swallows its contents in a single gulp, looks at the bartender and says, "75 cents..."

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