My life in art
cuz' Europe always seemed so far...

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The Job Operation - Part I
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Job Operation Part I - Stores
1-) Taco
2-) Aviator
3-) Toulon

I guess everyone, at one time in their lives, look around and think: "Wow! Time is slipping away and I haven't done anything useful in my life!". Well, yeah, it just happened to me, and to be honest, I think I'm kind of late.

It's about time to leave behind all the seconds I allow to pass through me full of nothingness. It's about time to stop being LAZY. It's about time for me to EARN MONEY instead of WASTING it on my weekends, with drinks and expensive clubs, and food, and paying huge cellphone bills, and buying unuseful things. I NEED to do something.

Finally I had my first steps taken, though. I quit the depressive mood and life and now I'm in search of a job. Today was my first day in action, and, well, it fairly sucked.

First, and mainly, because I was nervous. VERY nervous. I took a shower, dressed up nicely and headed off to the mall with my resumees. In order to have SOME THINGS in it, I had to lie, or else it would be almost a full page of nothing. I never worked. The only plus I have is the english course, and I didn't even finish it. I needed those little lies. I'm sure I'll be able to handle the situation with them, IF a situation comes.

So I went to a store called Yes,Brazil! and the attendants there were pretty ... stuck up, not to say more. I asked for the manager and a girl asked me if it was to hand in resumees, I said yes, and she said "Oh, you can leave it with me". She appeared to be a pretty boring person and she probably didn't like the idea of having someone with such a "great" resumee working with her. And when I gave her my resumee, she said... " Oh no... you need a picture. Picture is essential ". I started shaking. I said "Ok, i'll take pictures now". And left. And I realized that all the stores will ask for pictures. So there I went, to take pictures.

I only had the 10 bucks my mom gave me to buy Star Wars Episode III tickets in advance, because I'm totally broke and my grandpa didn't send me the money he said he would send. So I took 8 3x4 pictures and kept going on my journey. Bad thing..... I looked HORRIBLE on the pictures. HORRIBLE. That made my self-esteem go DOWNHILL. And it was fairly high before, because I made sure to leave home looking good. Well, I can't just throw the pics away though. I'll try my first shots with them....

Next store I stopped in was called Taco, it's a huge cheap store, and the manager was very sexy and treated me nicely. He was wearing a LIVESTRONG wristband, just like me and half the world, so it was kinda cool. He even wished me good luck.

Next, I stopped by a store called Public House, the manager there was a woman, on the house of 40's, with deep and kind green eyes. She asked me if I was experienced, I said no, and she said they were only taking people with experience... she apologized, I said ok and left.

I went then to a store called Aviator, pretty average store, with cool clothes and the attendants there were beautiful women (there was one guy also) and very gentle. They asked about my accent, I said it was from Minas Gerais, and they said that's what they thought, that my accent was very perceptible. Ok, I wished them a great afternoon and looked for my next target.

Still on the cheap side of the story (I'll leave the expensive stores for tomorrow) I went to Toulon, fairly big store. The attendants were all women so I asked them if they only take women into the staff, and they said no. I asked for the manager, and he looked to my sweatshirt, which, accidently, was from that store (mommy's gift). I left my resumee there, and he also wished me good luck. He didn't seem very interested though.

After that, I looked at the big mirror right outside of the store and man... I was looking horrible. I was nervous, and I didn't look as good as I thought. That made me feel almost depressed. All I needed now was a cigarette. So I left the mall, bought a cheap horrible pack of cigarettes with the 2 bucks I had left and came back home.

This was my first contact with the business world. In fact, it wasn't the best start one could have, especially with those horrible pictures of myself. But I'll just go on.

What makes me go on is solidarity and compassion, patience and understanding. From Joe, my friend Brian, Freddie, my grandparents and people like her: Her compassionate words to me through e-mail just made my day... now I can't say my day was a total failure.

Thank you /annabel_lee.

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