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cuz' Europe always seemed so far...

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...but tomorrow is another day
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I have been programming my weekend with Mary and Clara the whole fucking week, and friday afternoon they said they couldn't go anymore because of some friend's party or something. I made a reservation for the BEST table at the Lord Jim Pub for 6 people because maybe 2 other "friends" would go, I got their name on the VIP list for the GLAM party, and they come up with that. They screwed my fuckin weekend AND my name. I lost my chance to show how hot I would be in my suit and I lost my chance to meet João, Rafael and all the other hot pussies. Thank you "friends"! I tried to get other people to go but nobody wanted. That's the sad part of being a lonely person. You waste your nights with that constant pressure on your chest and you smoke a full pack of Marlboro Lights. How sweet.

I slept late after watching a HORRIBLE movie called Tweaked I think, with Ashley Judd, Samuel L. Jackson and Andy Garcia and it was the most pathetic movie I've watched in a long long time. I had to be at "work" at 8, so I went to bed to talk to Ariel, my imaginary friend who actually exists in another world, and I had a decent night of sleep.

I woke up at 6 and it was a beautiful sunny day so I took a shower, dressed up with style, swallowed three valiums and headed for work. I waited for the guy there from 8 to 1pm and he didn't come so the other boss told me to wait for someone's call. It was cool because I made another acquaintance, a cute-but-not-my-type pothead called Andre, but he was too nice, and I felt like kissing him or something like that, but the Valium was doing good effect so I just laid down at the sun waiting for the boss anyway. Before I left we went out to the streets and smoked a good good joint on a very short pipe and I gave him 4 Valiums. Yeah I bought a big stock. So why not giving the poor guy 4 fuckin diazepam pills? The weed effect mixed with the diazepam effect made me fall asleep in the bus and I almost lost my spot.

So now I'm here again thinking about people I shouldn't be thinking about. I have no friends so it's ok. I did not describe how my love triangle with Renato and Philipe ended and I do not plan to. I have 60 MG of Diazepam in my blood right now and maybe, if I am able to wake up and the weather is nice, I might go to the beach.

I pierced my ears.

I'm gonna buy a white gold earring, really sweet one that I saw on the store as soon as my new credit card gets here. Oh, and BTW, I'm completely screwed money wise. I decided to apologize to all the people I asked money and I also decided to say Hi to all the people I met while I worked at the Crab Hostel.

So now I'll probably smoke a couple of Marlboro Lights and go talk to Ariel. This week is promising. Me and Flavinha have a nice project in mind. Plus, I have Math exams on Friday and maybe my job situation will solve soon.

I have not been helping people lately or the SOMAR movement but as soon as I get money and do some things on the bank I will begin mass distribution of their purpose.

Ok. So. Ariel? Are you there, buddy?

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