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freeganism, as i explain it
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The Freegan is the person who goes to where the free food is. Rarely does a Freegan say no when a bite to eat, the remainder of someone's plate, or an entire meal is offered. If it's free, it fits in the Freegan diet.

To expand on that last thot, there really is no such thing as a Freegan "diet", more that it is a Freegan lifestyle. A Freegan's way of viewing the world is one where the only thing worse than wasting food is paying for it.

Freegans, of course, have to pay for some meals. This is where there is significant crossover to the "Cheapans". A Cheapan is someone goes to where the cheap food is. I am also a Cheapan for the most part. I consider health of course, but economy is a significant factor in my food choices. This is why I love Crispy Rice. This is why Crispy Rice knows no loyalty.

Freegans are not drains on society, we are cleaner uppers. We do not take advantage of people, we take advantage of the food people would normally waste. We don't dig through trash, we wait and notice how food is offered to us before it becomes trash. We do not instill our values on others, as a "mooch" would, rather we see a banquet where other's see inconvenience. We survive on the excess of an excessive food culture. We don't expect food, as a Mooch would, rather we find where food is "expecting" us. We thrive on finding the feast in just about anything, and we always enjoy what we get and eat all we can.

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