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the lukee has spoken
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And said speech was written down, and then re-read and memorized and spoken again, only to be blogged.

it is as follows.
Greetings, followers of the soft light. I come baring good news about bears, which is far more exciting than banning good news about bands. But already I digress. I have heard the word, and the word is good. The word is known to be good to and for all. Unless of course you don't understand the word or can't hear at all. In this case the word is slightly better than average, but not quite to the level of "good".

People who spend their waking hours confusing themselves are sure to stumble upon something worthwhile eventually. So if opposites attract, attract yourself and the rest will be history (if someone is around who remembers to remember it, of course).

Ghosts exist but not how we might imagine. For if ghosts are the kind we imagine they are to be, would they allow themselves to be hunted in video games? Become marshmallows in cereal? Or perhaps worse of all, giggle at the sound of knees rattling in fear? No my friends, I contend that ghosts exist in real life but only when life isn't real.

So go on and populate the earth with opinions and knowledge. Take heed that the art of making art is now a science, and science is a symptom of controlling what is perfectly fine enough not being controlled. At the end, you'll feel better for it.

That is all.
luke luke
commandant of the 19th White Tooth Brigade, Kansas

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