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2010-03-14 1:09 PM unknown truth Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) There are many kinds of truth.
Emotional truth reflects the emotional state of a person's sense of how they balance what they control and what they do not. Factual truth is based on a sequential set of events. Intellectual truth is determined by the mind's best effort to describe reality and how things work. Moral truth involves values placed on a continuum of "right" and "wrong". Physical truth is related to the inherent limits and qualities of physical matter. Spiritual truth involves the relationship between self consciousness and infinite consciousness. Beneath all of these there is an unknown truth which works through unknowable subtlety. That is, the closer you get to the truth, the blurrier it appears. In the study of Physics there are entire fields of work and sets of theories to describe how the 3 most important laws of the universe work. One of those laws is gravity, which describes the push and pull relationship of very large things. The other two are the strong and weak nuclear forces, which focus on the repulsive attraction of the tiniest things. The more attempts are made to reconcile the 3 laws, the more chaotic and unknown the picture appears. As more is learned, more is unknown. This unknown truth is the root of all truth. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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