What's with today today?

Kick in the pants
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So the past week or two, as some of you know, I seemed to be entering the throes of my quarter-life crisis. Yes, 2-5 is fast approaching, and feeling unconfident, frustrated, and even hating writing, I began second-guessing this whole "career path" I'm allegedly on.

It's not a good feeling when, after spending, oh, $100,000 on getting schooled in writing, you wake up one day thinking, what-the-hell-am-I-doing-I-absolutely-hate-this.

Perhaps due to staring at a computer screen for too many hours on end; maybe due to the fact that I get no feedback here, good or bad, and have no fucking clue if I'm sinking or swimming; partially because I'm never happy with what I write; but also because I've been working on the same three damn stories for two weeks - I was ready to walk out the door and spend my last three weeks here hitching across the country.

But I got a smack in the face today, and maybe I haven't doomed myself in this field yet. Because I did get a slight thrill down my spine after reading a posting from career services that my favorite magazine ever is looking for interns. Ok, just writing this is probably jinxing it, I feel like I shouldn't tell people, but it was also sort of the kick in the pants I needed. If I apply and don't get it, fine. I'd prefer a job to (another) internship, and still haven't made up my mind about moving to NYC. But it's nice to feel excited about something. Sometimes that's all I need.

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