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2008-05-06 4:28 PM thank god for thecalifornian! Who sends memage!
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? --Well, do all the people pressing in on me and the young lady humping my leg at the Jarvis Cocker concert count? Do you use the "online now" feature for your myspace profile? -- The what? How often do you catch yourself day dreaming? -- All. The. Time. Do you like gangster movies? -- Depends. What's your dream car? -- One that's economical, family friendly, and is reliable. Do you watch Anime? -- I have been known to partake of some Anime. *ahem* If there was an opportunity to loot, would you? -- Has the world as we know it fallen apart? Ever dressed up as a pirate? -- Hehe--no, but Rice will appreciate the suggestion... Come to any realizations lately? -- of course. I'm me. What was your favorite childhood cartoon? -- Scooby Doo. Would you consider yourself creative? -- Not today. Have you ever wished on a star? -- But of course. What is your favorite video game? -- Don't even get me started. If someone offered to buy you a bar drink, what would you ask for? -- It would depend on who had offered the drink. Can you sing well? -- Depends on what I ended up drinking that evening. Who is the last person you laughed at? -- TheCalifornian. Do you dance naked around the house when you're alone? -- I am never alone--I have children. Do you like your teeth? -- They still chew, so sure. What windows are currently open on your computer screen? -- This one. Have you ever thought about how your death might be? -- Not exactly. I've thought around it. What is your favorite TV show as of now? -- YouTube. Hah! Who is the ugliest person on TV? -- You remember Wanda from In Living Color? (I know--shows how much recent tv I watch.) What does AARP mean? -- American Associate of Retired Persons. What were you doing at 8 in the morning today? -- Encouraging Avi to finish his breakfast, for crying out loud. Have you ever been hunting? -- No. Have you ever been arrested? -- Literally or figuratively? Who is the last person to text you today? -- What is this text of which you speak? If you could erase your past would you? -- Bits, perhaps. I'd like to edit some bits, certainly--do them over. Is your hair color now your natural color? -- Yes. What was the highlight of your week? -- I don't recall. When is your birthday? -- February 4th. Have you ever stolen a street sign? -- Not so much. Do you know how to drive stick shift? -- Of course--it was the first car I learned to drive. And wasn't that embarrassing? Have you ever crashed a car? -- Something like that. Are you addicted to anything? -- Evidently. What do you do for a living? -- My husband pays me in quesadillas for beating on the local wildlife. What street do you travel the most? -- 17th. Where do you like to shop? -- For what? What kind of music do you like? -- A wide variety of things, most of what gives Rice the heebie jeebies. What's your best feature? -- The sci-fi double feature. Do you and your parents get along? -- Which parents? What is one of your main goals in life? -- To not kill my three-year-old. How many relationships have you been in this year? -- Define relationship and I'll give you an answer. Got any siblings? -- Yeah. Ever wanted to tryout for American Idol? -- You must be joking. How many shoes do you own? -- An adequate amount. What kind of phone do you have? -- Um... the kind that makes a bunch of noise until you answer it, and then you check the display to see if it's someone you know, and then you push the little button to answer (or you hang up) and then you speak and listen and speak and listen. That kind of phone. Who was your last comment from? -- Myself in response to a comment from Netta. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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