Mamamurph's Journal
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It's an exceptional day. Family dinner in an hour or so.
Foods cooking and the house is quiet. OGS(oldest grandson)
GBG(Grandbaby Girl), will soon descend upon Nani & Papa's home.

I realized this morning that we are going through the empty nest syndrome. I mean our youngest is only here part time. She lives in N. Fla for school. The 3 of us sat opening gifts and it struck me it was so weird. Where did that time go. I too had flash backs to Christmases past. My 3 girls giggling, laughing, Dr.Denton footy PJs, harassing each other. Wrapping paper flying, ahhhh, I miss it.

Now it's their children, pretty cool. Their baby's, amazing.
Oldest child and middle child live in their own homes not far away. It all trips me out.

My one son in-law is going through his first Christmas without his Dad, Pops passed away suddenly in October.
He would reminisce out of no where and I could see his face sadden, and he was lost in thought. RIP Dan, we miss ya.

So each day remember how blessed we all are. Forgive someone. forgive yourself. Thank God even through the bad or sad moments. Thank him in the good.

I once told my children that God give us a little treasure each day but, we usually miss them.
Examples...Parking spot right up in front, green lights all the way to your destination, the perfect seashell, a kiss from a baby (they are magical), something you've wanted is on sale, a note from an old friend, the perfect sunset.

We only look for the big things. The winning lottery ticket, a raise, a bigger house etc. The daily treasures are the best, but, you have to be looking for them. Because sometimes they're tiny and overlooked.

Be blessed with daily treasures and a awesome Christmas & New Year.


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