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2004-03-05 10:53 AM "The Passion of the Christ" review part 2 Read/Post Comments (0) |
4. Is Mel Gibson trying to be homophobic? King Herod sticks to Gibson's "Braveheart" tradition of having kings, laughing, giggling, sightly insane homosexuals. It was way offensive to me, that anytime Mel Gibson shows a homosexual, that person is just being a total ass. They're throwing these HUGE orgies, they're giggling, they're stoned, they're drunk. It was one of the more sickening moments of the movie.
5. The violence was just over the top. It's almost hard to comment on the violence because it's like stating the obvious. I've seen more violence movies. Easily. But this movie's violence was just pornographic. But honestly, the violence wasn't really what bothered me. With my movie watching sensibilities, seeing violence on screen doesn't really bother me much. But what bothered me the most is that the message got lost. It was violence, violence, slow motion violence, violence, slow motion violence, violence--cut away for about 2 minutes to the last supper--violence, more slow motion violence, violence,--cut away for another 2 minutes--,violence, violence etc. And I HATE movies that portray perpetrators of violence as being these blood thirsty, ranting lunatics who laugh as they flog. I know it happens. But the level of violence in this movie was at such a level, that I don't think it's humanly possible for someone to be having THAT good of a time as they flog a naked man. I honestly think that it's impossible. So tack another category over to Gibson's lack of subtlety. I thought the crucifixion scene was actually pretty well done. The main reason I say that, is because finally, you saw the Jewish council and the Roman soldiers as human beings. They showed emotions, they showed misgiving, and they were finally allowed to break free of their stereotypical shells. 6. The acting was decent I suppose. Jim Caviezel as Jesus was okay, but he didn't really display TOO much range and depth. But his role was by no means easy. The best acting in the movie was done by the apostles. Peter did a good job in his denying of Jesus scene. The apostle that was with Jesus throughout the movie did a good job. Both Mary actresses did a decent job, but all they were given to do is cry, cry, and cry. And not only did they cry, Mel Gibson found a way to have them cry in slow motion. Multiple times. 7. Satan, and the portrayal of such was at many times laugh out loud funny. I found myself shaking my head numerous times at how ludicrous the scenes on the screen were. The best portrayal of Satan that I've seen was Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" with the lions, the tree, the apple, the little girl. Mel Gibson would have us believe that satan is this woman, who always looks like she's up to no good. Wearing all black. Holding a baby. And when we turn to see the baby, it's....gilbert gottfried??? WTF??? And then Gibson would throw in these random "demon shots" that were really poorly conceived. I actually, found myself laughing out loud at how Satan was portrayed in this movie. And what was up with the crow scene? When the crow landed on that dude's cross, and he looked up. I knew what was going to happen. And I knew that Gibson was just putting that in for no apparent reason. And I couldn't help but laugh at how funny it was. A crow, landing on a cross, and pecking a guy's eye out. Now THAT's comedy!!! It was funny because it was unneccesary. 8. To sum up this movie in one word: Catholic. Sum it up in two words: Fundamentalist Catholic I hate to make broad sweeping statements like this, but it sometimes seems like catholics are more concerned with the pain, and less with the message. And that a lot of protestants and non-demoninational people are more concerned with the message, and less with the actual pain. I don't know. It's hard to say, not really knowing TOO much one way or another. And make no mistake about it, this movie is for the already converted. Mel Gibson assumed that the viewers already knew certain things about Christ, and about Christianity. This movie didn't inspire me at all. It left me feeling beat down. There's little hope in this movie. And that's a shame, because Jesus was all about hope and love. And this movie at times seemed completely devoid of all that. matt out Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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