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2005-07-29 12:25 PM New Survey Read/Post Comments (1) |
This thing is WAY to damn long. If you are up for torture, you can read my survey. As usual, a blank one is at the end.
Time started:1133 in the morning, Friday, July 29th, 2005 Name:Matthew McKibben Nickname: Matt, Mac, MacDaddy Single or Taken: Abducted Sex: everyday Birthday: November 3rd, 1977 Sign: of the beast. Siblings: are kick ass. Collect all 4. eye color: Blue. Like the sky above Wrigley Field. Shoe size: 11.5 Height: 5' 12'' What are you wearing right now: Ha. I'm a nerd. Darth Vader t-shirt and Express flared jeans. Where do you live: Denton. I think it's one of the coolest places on earth...no lie. Righty or lefty: Righty with a pen. Lefty with my politics. Relationships: are fun. Who are your closest friends?: If you know me, I'm basically your friend. There isn't much I wouldn't do for someone. Fingers: 10. 11 if I'm being filthy minded. Breakfast: of Champions is the next Vonnegut book I want to read. Aftershave/Perfume: I don't use aftershave, because my face breaks out. I only use perfume on the weekends. Favorite cartoon character: Samurai Jack ---------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever---- Given anyone a bath: my nephews Jay and Jacob. Have you ever smoked: yes. Briefly. Made yourself throw-up: Well, I've eaten food knowing good and well that I would probably throw up, and continued to eat anyways. Those ribs were GOOD. Gone skinny dipping: yes. It's quite fun. Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Yes, yes, and yes. Eaten a dog biscuit: Yes. Got your tongue stuck to a pole: Yeah. I don't remember when, but I remember getting my tongue stuck to something when I was a child. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No. Played truth or dare: Yes. Good times, good times. Been in a physical fight: in Junior High and in the Marines. Been in a police car: my uncle's a police officer, and I'm sure I've been in his car before. Been in a sauna: Oh yeah. It's great. Been in a hot tub: :-) Swam in the ocean: I've swam in the Pacific and the East China Sea, set foot in the Indian Ocean, and had some fun in the Atlantic. Fallen asleep in school: Yes. Ran away?: My dad got rid of my dog while I was at school, and without me knowing he was going to do so. So I ran away from home, and made it about 3 or 4 miles down the railroad tracks before I decided to come home. Broken someone's heart?: I'm sure I do it often. I can be a cold hearted, self-centered bastard sometimes. Cried in school: yes. I was a pretty emotional child. The divorce amplified this tenfold. Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yes. It was from the government, telling me "the bird is on the move." That's when I made my way to Sesame Street and took out "the bird." Fallen for your best friend?: Yeah. I know I have, can't remember when or where. Been cheated on?: I don't think so. ----------------------------------------------------------- First thing that comes to mind-- (I'll add my own pop-culture slant) Blue: John Coltrane Autumn: Dead Poets Society Cow: the Zucker Bros. movie "Top Secret" Greenland: the movie "Toys" Cat: The Truth about Cats and Dogs Nickel: plated pistol in "Face Off" Elbow: smack like Clive Owen gave Benecio Del Toro in "Sin City" Your good luck charm: that dude in "Austin Powers" who had the lucky charm bracelett. ----------------------------------------------------------- Whats your room like: Filled with posters, cd's, dvd's, and books. Last thing you said: "Let me transfer your call..." What is beside you: an empty chair. What kind of shampoo do you use?: John Freida anti-frizz shampoo Something that has happened to you this year - I graduate in 2 weeks. Believe in love at first sight?: Yeah. I've loved every one of my nephews and nieces the first time I saw them. Like picnics: LOVE them, as long as the weather is nice. Like school: Yeah. I love taking interesting classes. ---------------------------------------------------------- Would you-- Eat a live hamster: What a lame question. Go to a hanson concert: Heck yeah. I think a lot of their music and musicianship is quite good. Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: Can it be Hitler? Or some other mass killer? If you were stuck on an island, what people and things would you want with you?: Lots of books, dvds, tvs, good food, and all my friends and family. ---------------------------------------------------------- Who Was the last person-- you touched?: I shook one of the advisor's hands earlier this morning. You massaged: Anya You yelled at: Anya haha Who told you they loved you: Anya and my family. Who is your loudest friend: Anya ----------------------------------------------------------- Do you/Are You… Do you like filling these out: Not when they're this long. Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses. Do you like yourself: YES! Do you get along with your family: YES! Have piercing below the waist?: Getting one soon. Oh wait, just re-read the question. I thought it asked about tatoos. I'm getting a tatoo on my leg sometime soon. Obsessive?: Only about certain things. Anorexic?: Never. Depressed?: Everyone gets a little depressed sometimes. Suicidal?: Nope. ---------------------------------------------------------- Final questions-- What are you listening to right now: some student bitching on the phone. Got any awards: Plenty. I once received the "Most Improved" award for like three straight years in High School. Have you ever gone streaking?: Yeah. It's A LOT of fun. What is your favorite video game?: Spiderman Good Singer: I'm surprisingly good at showtunes. Weird. How many remote controls are in your house: 3 Are you double jointed: Only when someone's hogging the pipe. Last time you showered: this morning The last movie you saw at the theatres: The Island Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper for reals. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: More like "Mud Slides" or "Jell-O" shots...which would be "Mud Slides" Silver or Gold: neither. Diamond or pearl: Oh god, neither. Blech. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset. Phone or in person: In Person. Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: third of four Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: No. This survey SUCKS and is WAY too fucking long. ending time: 1225 See the above response. :-( ----------------------------------------------------------- Time started: Name: Nickname: Single or Taken: Sex: Birthday: Sign: Siblings: eye color: Shoe size: Height: What are you wearing right now: Where do you live: Righty or lefty: Relationships: Who are your closest friends?: Fingers: Breakfast: Aftershave/Perfume: Favorite cartoon character: Have you ever---- Given anyone a bath: Have you ever smoked: Bungee Jumped: Parasailed: Made yourself throw-up: Gone skinny dipping: Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Eaten a dog biscuit: Got your tongue stuck to a pole: Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Played truth or dare: Been in a physical fight: Been in a police car: Been in a sauna: Been in a hot tub: Swam in the ocean: Fallen asleep in school: Ran away?: Broken someone's heart?: Cried when someone died: Cried in school: Fell off your chair: Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Saved MSN / YAHOO / AOL / AIM conversations: Saved e-mails: Fallen for your best friend?: Been cheated on?: First thing that comes to mind-- Blue: Autumn: Cow: Greenland: Cat: Nickel: Elbow: Your good luck charm: Whats your room like: Last thing you said: What is beside you: What kind of shampoo do you use?: Something that has happened to you this year-- Had Chicken pox: Had a Sore Throat: Believe in love at first sight?: Like picnics: Like school: Loved anyone: Would you-- Eat a live hamster: Go to a hanson concert: kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: If you were stuck on an island, what people and things would you want wiht you?: Who Was the last person-- you touched?: You massaged: You yelled at: Who broke your heart: Who told you they loved you: Who is your loudest friend: Do you/Are You… Do you like filling these out: Do you wear contacts or glasses: Do you like yourself: Do you get along with your family: Do you do drugs: Have piercing below the waist?: Obsessive?: Anorexic?: Depressed?: Suicidal?: Final questions-- How many ppl are you sending this to: What are you listening to right now: Can you do a front or back flip?: What did you do yesterday: Hated someone in your family: Got any awards: Have you ever gone streaking?: Want to get married: What is your favorite video game?: If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Good Singer: Have a lava lamp: How many remote controls are in your house: Are you double jointed: What do you dream about: Last time you showered: The last movie you saw at the theatres: Scary or happy movies: Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Silver or Gold: Diamond or pearl: Sunset or Sunrise: Phone or in person: Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: ending time: Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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