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2007-07-02 10:24 AM SiCKO and Ocean's 13 Read/Post Comments (5) |
Anya and I saw Michael Moore's SiCKO this past weekend. They say there are three types of people out there: those who love Michael Moore, those who have a love/hate relationship with MM, and those who not only hate MM, but loathe him. I'm firmly in that first category. Michael Moore's movies are wonderfully produced, written, researched, and directed. If I can find two complaints with his movies, it's that he doesn't provide enough of a counter argument and he doesn't provide enough of a foundation of statistical information to fall back on when people claim he's tilting the movie to suit his point of view. I guess the addition to that last statement is that he not only fails to provide much statistical information to pad his argument, but he often opts to put people's personal stories to sway his argument. In SiCKO!, I found myself not really caring that he wasn't providing the counter argument. I know the counter argument. I lived the counter argument. I'd gladly take a 4-6 week wait for a surgery over not getting the surgery at all. My favorite of his movies is "Fahrenheit 9/11," but I think I place this one right below that one and above "Bowling for Columbine." I really liked it and find little to fault in it. Anyone up for a move to France? ---- Ocean's 13 I may be one of the only people out there who liked "Ocean's 12." It's one of those movies that gets better on repeated viewings, especially when you're not viewing it with the uber-high expectations of seeing an "Ocean's 11" clone. That being said, I like "Ocean's 13" more than "Ocean's 12." But at the end of the day, the first movie is the best, by far. "Ocean's 13" has a lot going for it. It's fun, breezy, hip, fun, etc etc. My biggest fault with the movie is that I never really felt a sense of danger in the movie. I never (not for a second) had a doubt that they'd get away with the heist. I think Al Pacino could have been a little more menacing. ... Oh wait, I take that back. My biggest complaint with the movie is that everything happened way too easily for the crew. They were dealing with these really elaborate plans and they all basically went according to plan. Where are the kinks in the chain? It's a minor gripe, but like I said above, I think it took a little away from the sense of impending danger. I really liked the Ocean's movies, but it's kind of depressing watching these movies. As David Spade said, it's hard getting too into a movie that's constantly reminding you how lame your life is, how lame your friends are, and how unhip you seem in comparison to the Ocean's crew. Watching these movies is like sitting at the nerd table in the cafeteria and being one table over from the "cool kids" table. ---- That's all I got for now, folks. -Matt Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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