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2008-01-27 8:31 PM South Carolina Primary Thoughts Read/Post Comments (0) |
I wanted to post some of my Iowa...Oops, South Carolina primary results. I only bring up Iowa because there were a few too many similarities between that caucus and this one for me to feel too comfortable.
The first thing that has me a little off-guard is that, once again, it seems as if the media is jumping all over the "Hillary's campaign is dead" bandwagon. That's all the pundits were talking about last night and this morning...how much she's going to have to reconfigure her campaign. How she's going to have to "go back to the drawing board." This is turning into a true heavyweight match, but let's not count "the champ" out yet. People always forget that Rocky lost his first Championship fight. That being said, to take this boxing metaphor one step further, it seems that Obama has Hillary on the ropes. As the up and coming contender, Obama came out in the first round Iowa fight and let everyone know that he was for real. Clinton came back in the second and third round and won the punch count. But then the fourth round was a decisive Obama moment. I mean, Obama doubled Clinton's vote total. He got more votes than Clinton and Edwards combined. He won the African-American vote by getting 8 out of 10 African American voters, regardless of gender. He got about 25% of the white male vote. He decidedly took the younger vote. Just to close the loop on this boxing metaphor, I think South Carolina was one of those rounds where "the contender" sends "the champ" to the mat. If Clinton's able to pull out of this, I think this primary fight is going to make her a better candidate. But then again, I think the Bill half of Billary makes her weaker in the general election. The Republicans are going to eat her alive if it looks as if Bill's fighting all of her battles for her. I think she's in a bit of a tough situation. It seems that Bill hasn't been able to open his mouth without sticking his foot into it. I mean, he's an ex-President. He should have known better than to make that completely jacked up Jesse Jackson remark on the heels of what was seen as a race heavy contest. He's been using one too many of those "coded" words that sometimes reveal hidden attitudes on race. I've completely had it with the Clinton Machine. Their MO seems to be "divide and conquer." And it seemed like the South Carolinians caught on to this fact. And it also seems like the Democratic Party establishment has caught on to this fact as well. Just another reason why I can't see myself supporting a HRC candidacy. Barack Obama's speech on Saturday night was excellent. I think that was one of his best speeches of 2007/2008. Very passionate and engaging, but also balanced out with carefully worded lines about fighting the divisive tendencies of the Clinton Machine...without naming any names, obviousy. That's all I got for now. On to Super Tuesday. :-) - Matt Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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