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2008-07-13 10:54 AM Happy Birthday Read/Post Comments (1) |
Today marks the 5th anniversary of this journal. I enjoy blogging, so here's to 5 more! This is an update of a survey that I did on my first day of blogging at Journalscape.
---- 1. What is your name as it appears on your birth certificate? Matthew Ryan McKibben 2. What are some nicknames that people call you? Mack, Macdaddy, Mattches (motherly love), Mattchew, Uncle Matt 3. What is the date today? July 13, 2008 4. What do you think the biggest issue is facing human beings? *same as before* The inequality and misdistribution of wealth and basic services needed for people to sustain a long, healthy, and ultimately enjoyable life. 5. If you could devote your life to one cause, what would it be? (eg, feeding the homeless, saving the trees) Environmental causes. 6. What are some things you like to do when you are bored? I wish things were slow enough that I could be bored. Boredom is not in a parent's vocabulary. 7. Do you support the drug war? No 8. What 3 books changed you the most and who wrote them? *same as before* a) 1984 by George Orwell. He had a knowledge of politics, mass media, and propaganda that is beyond genius. b) Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Every page of this book sums up why I think that war is truly a crime against the senses as well as a crime against humanity. This should be required reading by everyone. c) Native Son-by Richard Wright. Richard Wright's "Native Son" is to race, what Orwell's "1984" is to politics. It's an excruciatingly painful and honest book. I joked to my teacher who assigned it to us that it had an "oh damn" factor, in that every page I turned to, I kept muttering things like "oh damn" and "oh shit," because of what was happening on the page. 9. What are 3 of your favorite movies/films/documentaries? a) E.T by Steven Spielberg. Still gets me every time. The only movie that can bring me back to a time in my life when life didn't hurt so much, aka childhood. b) The Star Wars Saga. I don't care what anyone says about any of these films, I can watch any one of these movies at the drop of a hat. They're perfect to me. c) The Shawshank Redemption. This movie is perfect. Perfectly acted, perfectly written, perfectly directed, perfectly scored. It covers all the bases with the greatest of ease. d) adding the Lord of the Rings movies as an unasked for fourth. 10. What is your favorite car? Our Mazda Tribute. But if could have any car in history, it'd be the Dukes of Hazard car. 11. What is the most influential music you have ever heard (changed you the most)? *same as before* The Beatles. There is rarely a time when I am not in the mood to listen to the Beatles. Most of the modern music I listen to now, is Beatles-esque. They're my perfect band. 12. What song would you want to be played at your funeral? "Wake me up, before you go-go." by Wham j/k "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong, "Imagine" by John Lennon, or "I Just Want to Celebrate" by Rare Earth 13. What will you want to have done with your remains when you die? *same as before* After organ donation, I'd like to be cremated and spread in one of the Okinawan beaches. You can substitute Okinawa for a San Diego beach if funds don't permit. 14. Do you think that there will ever be gender equality in the United States? no. 15. Do you think there will ever be gender equality worldwide? no. 16. Do you think there will ever be racial equality in the United States? no. But we are close to electing an African American POTUS. WILD!!!!!!!!! 17. Do you think there will ever be racial equality worldwide? no 18. Would the world be a better place if there was no religion? Maybe. But as South Park so brilliantly pointed out, we'd find other reasons to kill one another, even if religion wasn't around. 19. Would the world be a better place if there were no possessions? *same as before* The world would be a better place if those possessions were better distributed. 20. Would the world be a better place if there were no borders? *same as before* The world would be a better place if the borders had no emphasis. I like the idea that there are different regions and nations, but I don't like the idea of borders being the end all be all. I think that the emphasis should be shifted from "boundaries" and should instead be placed on "neighbors." 21. Are you a vegetarian? If you are, why did you become one and why do you remain one? I am not a vegetarian. I occasionally try to limit my meat consumption. But as I said yesterday, I love me some BBQ. 22. How do you think the world will end? *same as before* The world won't end until the sun says it's time to. If world ending means the end of human existence, then I think that some catastrophic event either man made or natural would do the trick. In some way shape or form, I think that humans will survive for a long time, but it probably won't be like life as we know it. 23. How did you vote in the last presidential election? Democrat: Kerry/Edwards. *sigh* 24. What source do you usually get your news from (or what medium)? I usually get my news from the internet since I like to read and digest my information at my own pace. I go to CNN and Salon daily. I rarely listen to NPR because I'm not an audio oriented type of person. I spend most of my time reading sites from CNN, to Salon, to the Huffington Post, to The Onion. As far as television, I get my news from the Daily Show and CNN. You know it's a sad state of affairs that one of the most in depth news sources is also the most satirical. In terms of Entertainment, I spend most of my time going to aintitcoolnews.com, moviehole.net, and ew.com. I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly and Vanity Fair. 25. What is one place that you would like to travel to in the world? I'd like to go to Nepal or Mongolia. 26. What is one place that you would never like to travel to? *same as before* Any place riddled with bloody civil war and revolutions. Africa, I'm looking in your direction. 27. If you are an activist, what was the first issue that you became active in? *same as before* Green Party, 2000 election 28. Do you support gun control? Somewhat. 29. Do you believe in God? I believe in an energy source where all life springs from. 30. Do you support the death penalty? Morally, somewhat. In practice, no. 31. Do you support Reproductive Rights? yes. 32. Describe briefly your perfect system of government (if any)? *same as before* Democratic Socialist with non profit news agencies, funded by the people through their taxes. 33. Is there such thing as evil? *same as before* Not in the black and white sense of the word. I believe that everyone is capable of doing monstrous things as well as being capable to love unconditionally. If the most evil of persons loves or is loved by someone, than can that person be truly evil? 34. Do you support the rights of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgendered people? yes 35. Would you rather know when you were going to die or how you are going to die? *same as before* I'd rather know when. 36. What would your "Room 101" be (reference to Orwell's 1984, room 101 contains your biggest fear) *same as before* being on the ledge of something incredibly high and angular. ie. being on the edge of a cliff in the Grand Canyon or being on the edge of the top of the Sears Tower. 37. What would be the worst way to die? *same as before* burning 38. If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi. 39. What was the best birthday you remember? My 30th Birthday. Last birthday as a non-father. 40. What is the saddest memory in your life? *same as before* January 28th, 2003. The Day my father passed on. 41. What is the maddest memory in your life? No comment. 42. Have you ever been in an auto accident? minor fender bender when I was 16 (my fault), minor fender bender when I was 28 (their fault, little damage to either car), and hit by drunk driver earlier this year. :-( 43. Have you ever been in love? *same as before* Am!!!!!!!! 44. Do you believe in love? *same as before* Most definitely 45. Do you believe in heaven? *same as before* I believe in energy and the birth of souls. I believe that heaven is a place where are souls are created. We choose to go between that realm and this realm before birth and after death. Heaven is a place where we see everything for what it is, and feel loved. 46. Do you believe in reincarnation? *same as before* yes. I believe it to be a truly beautiful experience. 47. Do you believe god has a sex? If so, what is it? (disregard this question if you don't believe in God). *same as before* god is energy so the answer is no 48. Would you give your life for your country? *same as before* no. I'd give my life for my family and that's about it. 49. Would you give your life for your beliefs? no 50. Do you believe in Universal Health Care? *same as before* yes. It shouldn't be a privilege for those that can afford, but should be a right for everyone. 51. If you could travel back in time (5 years) and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be? Don't buy this stupid fucking TV, you're about to get hit by a drunk driver! 52. What is the most scared you have ever been? Realizing I was going to be a father. Scared, but in a way in which I knew I'd do a good job. 53. If your house caught on fire, and you could only save one material thing (besides the photo albums) what would it be?? *same as before* Mr. Fox; my childhood stuffed animal 54. Do you usually sleep on your back, front, left, or right side, random, other? *same as before* back, with an alternation between left and right sides 55. If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be? The Beatles right before they hit it big. 56. Would you rather have infinite time travel or infinite space travel? (don't get all "smart" on this one, just answer please!) *same as before* infinite time travel. Oh the sites I'd see. 57. What is one major personal goal you will want to have accomplished before you die? To be published. 58. How often do you remember dreams? *same as before* Depends on the magnitude of the dream. The more profound the dream, the more I'll remember. 59. Do you talk in your sleep? When my brother Luke and I would share a bed, we'd talk to each other in our sleep. Anya tells me that I speak gibberish in my sleep and get noticeably agitated when she doesn't understand what I'm saying. 60. Do you think that human sexuality is, for the most part, divided into three distinct categories of "Straight, Gay, and Bisexual" or do you think at some level we are all Bisexual? For the most part, I believe in those distinctions. 61. If you think all people are Bisexual, and if there was a scale to sexuality, and 1 meant completely heterosexual and 10 meant completely homosexual, where would you rate yourself?? two or three 62. What is the best pet you have ever had? *same as before* though not technically mine, my brother's dog Bjork is my all time favorite pet. I want to clone her. 63. What is your 'type of food' to eat? Tex-mex and BBQ 64. Do you think that using the 'male generic' when writing is offensive? no 65. What political party do you most identify with? Don't really associate with a political party, but I do vote Democrat. 66. If you could live in any decade, which would it be? Current. 67. How often do you look up at the stars at night? *same as before* If I'm in the city, it depresses me to look up and not see stars since there are none to be seen. If I'm in an area where stars are always out, I look up at them quite often. Looking at a sky that is completely filled with stars is the most magnificent site that I've ever seen. 68. If you had a son born today, what would you name him? If you had a daughter born today, what would you name her? Son - Clark Daughter - Sienna 69. What name do you always wish you had? Dirk Diggler 70. Would you rather *know* you were going to effect 10 people or think (but with almost certainty) you are going to effect 100 people? 100 people 71. Explain eternity in 30 words or less. *same as before* Beyond comprehension. God. Heaven. College of Education advising office. Light. A Circle. I think one of the closest ways for us humans to understand eternity is through science and mathematics. (wow...30 words..lucky i guess) 72. What is your favorite quote and who said it? I love quotes so it's hard to pick one. "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children." -American Indian proverb 73. Who do you look up to the most (who you don't know)? Mahatma Gandhi 75. What is your favorite restaurant? Salt-Lick 76. Is there such thing as a totally justifiable war? Yes. I think that when someone's being wiped out by someone else, like genocide, than it's justified to go stop that act. But basing off of past experiences, there are usually instances where compassion and goodwill could have prevented said act of genocide. ie. rebuilding WWI torn Europe. 77. What major religion do you most identify with? Unitarian Universalist. 78. What is your dream job (doesn't have to be a standard job, just something that you would like to do for the rest of your life if there were absolutely no barriers). *same as before* Professional writer and housedad. 79. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Explain. *same as before* Yes. Nothing quite beats the exhilaration of feeling one's own ball-sack swim freely with you through, as you swim through the water. 80. Do you believe in psychics? Not really. I do believe there are forces that we don't understand, but I don't believe that someone can really tap into that power. 81. Do you think we will find other intelligent life in the Universe first, or will they find us? (ignore if you think we are all alone in this hole). I think a little bit of both. Arthur C. Clarke said that in the history of the world, there have been approx. 100 billion people. There are approx. 100 Billion stars in our solar system alone. That makes one star for every person on our earth. It'd be naive to think that our star is the only one that has planets that are capable of harboring life. I don't think we're going to find that life though. ... And I don't think they'll find us either. 82. If you had to choose one, would you rather eat something disgusting or do a stunt that is really dangerous (say, eating roaches or climbing a steep cliff). Probably eating something. I'm a chicken when it comes to dangerous physical activity. 83. Would you give your life for a newborn baby you have never met? Probably. 84. What is the one material possession you would like to have more than anything (please don't say something like "I don't like material possessions" because this survey is on a computer after all!) *same as before* A Vault filled with millions of dollars. 85. What is the saddest piece of music you have ever heard? *same as before* There's this movement from Beethoven's 7th which is excruciatingly sorrowful. He was mostly deaf when he wrote it. It's a beautiful piece. 86. Are you interested in sports? Yeah, I don't try and fight it anymore. I love watching sports. 87. Where would you place yourself on a "political" spectrum, 1 being *totally* on "the left" and 10 being *totally* on "the right"? 3 88. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I love living in Austin. 89. Do you think that human beings are naturally monogamous? *same as before* No. I think cheating is lame. But I think that it's human nature to seek other people to "mate" with. 90. What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Give my father's eulogy. 91. Is it possible to truly fall "out of love" with someone? Yes. 92. How much trust do you have in the head government of the country where you are? "1" being "totaly trust" and "10" being "totaly distrust" With Bush? 9. Sad to say. 93. Would you rather have a job that helps individual people on a daily basis, but that does little or nothing to help the "big picture" or would you rather have a job that affects the "big picture" but has little or no direct influence on helping individual people? I don't think you can separate the two. 94. If you could give 10 million dollars to any one charity, what would it be? I'd split it between an environmental group that works on creating renewable energy sources and a group that combats poverty. 95. Yes or no, without consulting any outside source, would you be able to name all of the Supreme Court Justices? No. 96. If you could snap your fingers and cure one disease, what would it be? AIDS 97. If you could have one super power, what would it be? The power to travel through space and time like Desmond on LOST. 98. Is it possible for someone to be a "genius" for one point in their life but then not to be for another time? No. Once a genius, always a genius. Unless you're an artist. Then you're making "E.T" one day and "The Terminal" the next. 99. If you could meet one fictional character who would it be? Yoda 100. How much trust do you have in the mainstream media? "1" being "totally trust" and "10" being "totally distrust". 5 Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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