Dr. Pepper?"/>

Know What's Great About Dr. Pepper?
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There are many reasons to love Dr. Pepper, all of them great. But two of them really stand out to me.

The great thing about Dr. Pepper is that its the only drink that has its own unique taste. For all the hub bub, Pepsi and Coke are basically the same drink. Yeah, one tastes sweeter than the other, but that's like trying to differentiate between young skinny Elvis vs old fat Elvis. Yeah, there's a difference, I'll grant you that, but it is the same person at the end of the day.

There are only so many ways to make an orange soda. Only so many ways to make a strawberry soda. Perhaps there is no soft-drink with more varying quality than Root Beer, but they're all, at the end of the day, not that different from one another.

But Dr. Pepper is its own thing.


Okay, I know what you're thinking. Please don't make me go there. It won't be pretty. Mr. Pibb. What's even the point? Mr. Pibb doesn't even exist in my world. I fail to see it when it's one of the choices at a soda fountain. I may have tried it once or twice in my life, maybe when I was stationed in Okinawa and had no other choice. It's just a non-entity to me.

If Dr. Pepper is Boyz N da Hood era Ice Cube, then Mr. Pibb is this guy.

The other great thing about Dr. Pepper is that it's the official drink of Texas. We represent Dr. Pepper down here in the T-X like Canadians represent hockey. We take it very seriously.

Although I just read on wikipedia that Mr. Pibb is offered in just a few places around the country, Texas being on those places?!? Who are these people? Who are these traitors? They must be snuffed out...

If someone made a box and had to put three Texan items into it before being buried in the dirt for fifty-years, I'd put Willie Nelson, Bum Phillips, and Dr. Pepper. It's *that* important to us down here.

Here's one extra reason to love DP; it's also one of the few drinks that tastes both great and different depending on whether you're getting it in a bottle, fountain, or can. And it also changes depending on what kind of ice you get! What other drink can pull that off?

- Matt

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